Guilds are killing Ragnaros using an exploit. Proof inside.

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Re: NOPE (ally guild) just killed rag with no tank..(livestr

by macgarthur » Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:22 pm

Rise wrote:
DeeMarie wrote:
azreal313 wrote:By having the last boss of MC completely broken? Riiight.

Don't be such a drama queen. Raggy mostly works, just need to fix the range issue and hand out temp bans to guild exploiting the raid ID reset.

GMs and devs play in the guilds which are exploiting, there won't be any bans.

It's called a conflict of interest for a reason. You can't go playing favorites, if a GM is in these guilds and contributed or took part in the exploits, the GM should be removed immediately, no questions asked.

I for one would like Nostalrius to be transparent about their donations, I would bet money that the majority of their donations are coming from the same guilds clearly guilty of exploiting.

5 years of development and in less than 30 days this server has turned into a joke, a complete disgrace. On Vanilla it was damn hard to get an epic mount farming non-stop on a server with a booming economy, yet we have players in less than a week with an epic mount on a server with zero economy still. On retail it was months before guilds were entering MC or doing Onyxia (Onyxia chain quest is crazy long) let alone downing the bosses. Guilds would need to farm the first few bosses and progress gearing up their guild, you mean to tell me guilds are downing Ragnaros and Onyxia in all blue and green gear? Come on. The pieces don't add up and something fishy is going on.

There is a huge demand for Vanilla servers, currently Nostalrius is brand new and one of the very few options available, and they rely on that monopoly. Why do anything when your clients have nowhere else to go? Once other servers start opening and there is more competition things will change or Nostalrius will end up just like the servers they got their players from. People don't change servers and invest all that time levelling and such over minor things, the majority jump ship when the current one is on fire.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: NOPE (ally guild) just killed rag with no tank..(livestr

by ssaya » Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:23 pm

Mav wrote:

Son of what ?

Can you post the video of you guys kills mag with 1 tranq shot?
Can you list the items and buffs the tank had to get to 7.3k hp in fr gear?

Re: NOPE (ally guild) just killed rag with no tank..(livestr

by azreal313 » Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:28 pm

DeeMarie wrote:
azreal313 wrote:By having the last boss of MC completely broken? Riiight.

Don't be such a drama queen. Raggy mostly works, just need to fix the range issue and hand out temp bans to guild exploiting the raid ID reset.

You can only completely trivialize the fight by not using melee since he doesn't one shot ranged, definitely not a big deal or anything though right? Yea, that's not how this works especially when Nost has plastered all over their damn main site "Quality scripts, best scripts, we worked super hard on these amazing scripts" its a blatant lie, if Rag is bugged imagine how much shit is absolutely borked down the line in any of the other many remaining raids.
I masturbate to the hate.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: NOPE (ally guild) just killed rag with no tank..(livestr

by Mav » Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:29 pm

ssaya wrote:Can you post the video of you guys kills mag with 1 tranq shot?

we didnt record it but its called Smart Shield wall rotation

ssaya wrote:Can you list the items and buffs the tank had to get to 7.0k hp in fr gear?

Spellbinder buff,Fire Pot,Shaman resist totem + 3 Pieces of Fire resist with Stam
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Re: NOPE (ally guild) just killed rag with no tank..(livestr

by Rise » Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:30 pm

ssaya wrote:
Mav wrote:

Son of what ?

Can you post the video of you guys kills mag with 1 tranq shot?
Can you list the items and buffs the tank had to get to 7.3k hp in fr gear?

That was their first MC run, when they were mysteriously not recording/streaming :?

Re: NOPE (ally guild) just killed rag with no tank..(livestr

by Eso » Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:32 pm

Mav wrote:
ssaya wrote:Can you post the video of you guys kills mag with 1 tranq shot?

we didnt record it but its called Smart Shield wall rotation

ssaya wrote:Can you list the items and buffs the tank had to get to 7.0k hp in fr gear?

Spellbinder buff,Fire Pot,Shaman resist totem + 3 Pieces of Fire resist with Stam

Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: NOPE (ally guild) just killed rag with no tank..(livestr

by Mav » Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:33 pm

Rise wrote:
That was their first MC run, when they were mysteriously not recording/streaming :?

We had someone streaming, just not listed and not on twitch. Everything was sent to the devs/admin team + do think no GM watched the server first Mc run ?
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Re: NOPE (ally guild) just killed rag with no tank..(livestr

by slum » Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:35 pm

Zach wrote:
Lachis wrote:Link the stream, or the Vod.

Add this to the list of reasons why <RD>'s boss duping to become #1 * alliance guild is such a joke. Content isn't even worth going hard on.

GRIZZLY and RD ALWAYS had someone in melee range and did the encounter correctly. It's fairly obvious with NOPE doing it three times they knew he was not 1 shotting ranged and did this purposefully.

That's interesting because for the last 20 seconds of the grizzly fight all of the tanks are dead. After this point the only deaths in the raid are from his regular aoe he casts on mana users and people running into melee range. There is plenty of time where he spins around targeting people without doing anything, exactly how he behaves in the nope video.

It's quite convenient for grizzly that their video's raid frames aren't functioning and we can't see exactly when deaths are happening but we can't use this as concrete evidence against them even if it is keeping back information.

Re: NOPE (ally guild) just killed rag with no tank..(livestr

by Rise » Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:36 pm

Mav wrote:
Rise wrote:
That was their first MC run, when they were mysteriously not recording/streaming :?

We had someone streaming, just not listed and not on twitch. Everything was sent to the devs/admin team + do think no GM watched the server first Mc run ?

Clearly they would have stopped you if you guys were exploiting something, just look at all the other people they stopped from exploiting :shock:


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