valaquenta wrote:Lol at guys saying that it's a free 60 character auction, go read by yourself how it works on kronos : you may exchange your characters to avoid rerolls, or sell them, when you're tired of the game, so that people won't use website like ownedcore to sell their accounts. Yes, you may not find this to your tastes, but it's not P2W, a little bit of objectivity doesnt hurt
A free 60 auction? Putting shit in my mouth isn't going to validate the p2w aspect of a server that sells mounts, tabards, and eventually 60 characters.
Go home shills. No one cares.
valaquenta wrote:And TBH, there are enough players for both servers, so just stick to whichever one you prefer. End of story
True, i just like trolling the shills from Kronos a bit.