Griefing to a whole new level.
Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 9:20 pm
So I'm grinding peacefully in Arathi highlands @ daybries farmstead. Minding my own, Aoeing farming like frost mages do. When 2 Horde mages come along and start sheeping my packs of mobs that im trying to blizzard. 1 is 60 and 1 is 30. So obviously boosting a friend. But what boggled my mind was that, I too am horde, and why would these 2 ever want to be sheeping my mobs. This occured over and over when I pulled packs of 5+. Who honestly griefs there own faction while there are noticably lower level hordes trying to farm? On a private server of all things. I can say I've truly seen it all.