Hunter or warrior? World PvP - leveling and endgame

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Hunter or warrior? World PvP - leveling and endgame

by hollaatme » Fri Apr 24, 2015 8:19 pm

Which would be better for world PvP? Both during leveling and end game. I won't have much time to raid, so take that into consideration, but I will get all the best crafted prices I can. Any input is appreciated.

Re: Hunter or warrior? World PvP - leveling and endgame

by saintfire » Fri Apr 24, 2015 10:59 pm

don't play vanilla wow, go play cata or wotlk.

Re: Hunter or warrior? World PvP - leveling and endgame

by hollaatme » Fri Apr 24, 2015 11:20 pm

Classic troll answer.

Re: Hunter or warrior? World PvP - leveling and endgame

by Kdg » Fri Apr 24, 2015 11:34 pm

hunter is stronger until you get gear on warrior. once warriors are geared they are awesome
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Re: Hunter or warrior? World PvP - leveling and endgame

by Eyeful » Sat Apr 25, 2015 1:43 am

Leveling, a hunter will preform better overall than a warrior in world pvp. That is to say it also reflects what type of player you are. If you aren't good at ranging the target, and always seem to end up in melee battles, warrior would suit your playstyle more. If you can't stand being near somebody to kill them, hunter might sway your way.

Towards end game, warriors start to pull ahead. Of everyone. Once they get a reasonable amount of gear, they start to turn into a non-stop 1 way train of pain. That is to say, they get their coal (heals) to fuel them. Still, lacking heals, they will out preform hunters most every time.

To me, hunters are like a rogue with big openers, but given it fails or you don't get them, you don't have any escape mechanics to back you up. Sure you have a trap that can provide some range, but I feel hunters are lacking in survival for world pvp conflicts compared to other classes. Granted they do get off an opener, any cloth, and sometimes leather, are dead on the spot.

Here's a video explaining the more complicated aspects of PvP for vanilla.
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Re: Hunter or warrior? World PvP - leveling and endgame

by hollaatme » Sat Apr 25, 2015 2:33 pm

Awesome explanation. Thank you!

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