A "warning" regarding server population

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A "warning" regarding server population

by HAEVNEREN » Fri Apr 24, 2015 8:46 pm

Take this as a sort of heads up.

Checking the thread with A:H ratios and doing my own scans with the census addon show a clear and growing trend (for the past few weeks) - the ratio is getting more in favor of the horde side.

It is a bad cycle; horde get long BG ques -> They get bored and gank lowbies and/or they want to maximize their HK potential and start farming lvl 52+ allies in question zones. A few, but some, alliance call it quits and reroll or just simply leave the server. Exponentially the ratio gets worse week in week out. Factor in the already existing trend of alliance being somewhat more pve focused and horde pvp focused, and the BG ques will only get worse, and the ganking that follows.

Lots of /1 general chats on alliance side (STV, Tanaris etc etc) are full of "crybabies" that get so pissed of that their lvling process is slowed down dramatically or even grinds to a halt.

So, ***EDITED take a chill pill or roll Alliance.

Imposing a server-side restriction on char creation would go against the strive for ultimate blizzlike feel, so i hope a change can be made from within the community.
UD male

Re: A "warning" regarding server population

by Diametra » Fri Apr 24, 2015 9:20 pm

Yes. I'm starting to get a wee concerned, not to bad yet. Would be awesome if we had blizz data and could look at where exactly the landslide starts rolling and is unstoppable. I bet they know exactly what the ratio is when this starts. My gut instinct says around 55-45 is when it starts rolling, but I couldn't guess as to what number is the point of no return. 60-40? Don't know.

It's akin to guessing what the stock market is going to do. You can have all the hard numbers you want, but the fickle actions of investors is sometimes impossible to chart.

I'm also going to guess a spread of no more than 5 points is ideal.

I'm thinking a numbers cap may also have that same unchartable reaction to it. How people would react is hard to gauge.

I can tell you this, if it gets to the landslide position, than I hope everyone enjoys horde raid progression, because that's all there's a gonna be left to do.

Anyways...it's a little early to worry. That being said, if you are thinking of rerolling or starting another toon, I hear the alliance is a great place to start.

Also...as I said in the ongoing A/H ration thread, we are operating in a vacuum here folks, we have to keep that in mind.
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Re: A "warning" regarding server population

by Erob » Fri Apr 24, 2015 9:31 pm

Horde will always have the advantage, the board is set. Only chance alliance levelers have now is a defense force sigh

Re: A "warning" regarding server population

by Desolace » Fri Apr 24, 2015 9:35 pm

The same problem once occurred on Atlantiss server. GMs have coped with that by making 1 month of free character transfer from H to A or sth like that I don't remember exactly. Many good players changed faction and it helped a bit in population ratio and pvp. I'm not saying that they should do the same here, but this problem is growing all the time. Horde is "burning" every alliance village on almost every map and killing leveling players who have enough of that and are getting more angry and frustrated. Random battlegrounds are totally a mistake and joke on A side. The only chance to play pvp in A is to make premade, otherwise you have to go H.

@Erob, Imagine if it was vice versa, 55% for ally 45% for horde. I think it would be more balanced than 55% for horde.

Re: A "warning" regarding server population

by Uzephi » Fri Apr 24, 2015 10:02 pm

Here is census for two weeks on alliance side. You see fall offs at 5, 10, 20, 30 and 40. The first couple are most likely alts or people who forgot the level grind of vanilla, but 20, 30 and 40 are most likely rerolls or people leaving the server. Why? maybe the topic of this thread, or it could just be people who left because the nostalgia is gone.

In any event, level 60 pop on alliance through this census data is over 1200 and you can see there is around 200-300 per level from 20-40 easily. The server isn't dying and most likely won't any time soon.

WoWScrnShot_042415_145614.jpg (102.15 KiB) Viewed 6289 times
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: A "warning" regarding server population

by Weston » Fri Apr 24, 2015 10:10 pm

Horde has and will always be the more popular faction.

It's the "cool" faction to be on. Edgy, hip, young and radical. "For teh horde!!111 :^)))"

Server will die once alliance dies. Easy as that lol
52 HU Warrior
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Re: A "warning" regarding server population

by Diametra » Fri Apr 24, 2015 10:10 pm


Im not sure what that chart is showing. Is it supposed to be clickable? The topic of this thread was imbalance not the size of the population or death of the server.
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Re: A "warning" regarding server population

by Uzephi » Fri Apr 24, 2015 10:30 pm

Diametra wrote:Uzephi,

Im not sure what that chart is showing. Is it supposed to be clickable? The topic of this thread was imbalance not the size of the population or death of the server.

The chart shows the level fall off on the alliance side. I have not pruned data on it and you can see where the levels fall at. If a player stays at 20, it will stay there, if census found a player at 20, and next scan, he is at 30, it will remove him from the 20 and add him to 30. usually a player would start in contested zones between 20-25 and STV is 30-40. I plan on pruning the data and do another 2 weeks worth of scans to see the difference and who stayed.
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: A "warning" regarding server population

by duds » Fri Apr 24, 2015 10:42 pm

There are currently 6 people in Blasted Lands for Ally.. I have seen more horde than that on my screen at once. Its getting really shitty, level 50 with 8 days played and i wont give up now but leveling has become basically impossible. I found that from tanaris onwards it got pretty bad.. i dont mind dying every 5 minutes to horde but when there are no ally around to help out it just means i end up afk or wishing i rolled horde.
I knew i should have played a super cool skeleton guy

Re: A "warning" regarding server population

by belekas » Fri Apr 24, 2015 10:53 pm

Don't spam
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