Take this as a sort of heads up.
Checking the thread with A:H ratios and doing my own scans with the census addon show a clear and growing trend (for the past few weeks) - the ratio is getting more in favor of the horde side.
It is a bad cycle; horde get long BG ques -> They get bored and gank lowbies and/or they want to maximize their HK potential and start farming lvl 52+ allies in question zones. A few, but some, alliance call it quits and reroll or just simply leave the server. Exponentially the ratio gets worse week in week out. Factor in the already existing trend of alliance being somewhat more pve focused and horde pvp focused, and the BG ques will only get worse, and the ganking that follows.
Lots of /1 general chats on alliance side (STV, Tanaris etc etc) are full of "crybabies" that get so pissed of that their lvling process is slowed down dramatically or even grinds to a halt.
So, ***EDITED take a chill pill or roll Alliance.
Imposing a server-side restriction on char creation would go against the strive for ultimate blizzlike feel, so i hope a change can be made from within the community.