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Starting population
Mon Nov 17, 2014 9:43 am
by Valve
Hello! As we all wait for both Kronos and Nostalrius release,i would like to ask a simple question.*cheering for Nostalrius*.
My question is,how many players will Nostalrius have at release date or week later?
I personally hope on 800-1000.
Re: Starting population
Mon Nov 17, 2014 11:25 am
by Hatson
It's impossible to answer this question accurately, but I would hazard a guess around 700-900 active accounts in the first week or two. And perhaps around 1500 in the first month.
Of course it would then only increase with time.
Re: Starting population
Mon Nov 17, 2014 11:29 am
by Valve
Yea for sure,and as it was mentioned on the previous posts,releasing it before Kronos will attract bigger % of the people.So,we should just wait and pray for it.Looks more promising.
Re: Starting population
Mon Nov 17, 2014 12:09 pm
by Drain
I think Hatson is being far too optimistic. Even if we assume most players don't use the forum, which is usually true, you're still not looking at more than a few hundred regular players. The future growth of the server will depend upon its ability to attract players from other servers, not just Classic ones, but any servers, and retail. It'll need top quality scripting to do this. Most private servers never get much of a population even years down the road because they have shit scripting that never gets fixed. Most Classic players right now are on Emerald Dream. But it has plenty of its own problems, one of which is that it's hosted on a distant planet called Romania that doesn't give a good ping to anyone located on planet Earth. By being a better scripted server much closer, many players may opt to move over here.
Re: Starting population
Mon Nov 17, 2014 12:48 pm
by Switchblade
I agree. it's too optimistic for sure.
I hope people on ED will realise that their server is full of shit compared to Nostalrius... (I know what I'm talking about, I've cleared all content both on ED and Nostal and played for years on these servers)
Re: Starting population
Mon Nov 17, 2014 1:32 pm
by Hatson
I'm just taking into fact based on numbers alone. Of course the tendency itself will probably be vastly different depending on hundreds of reasons far and wide.
The facebook page by time of release will without a doubt at this rate have over 1000 likes (It had 630 likes when I heard about it, which was 2 weeks ago). So that's at least 1000 people who care enough to like their facebook page alone right there. And that's 1000 unique individuals, not numerous accounts by the same person like we will see on the server itself.
And I know tons of people that don't even have a facebook account, never use one, or don't really give 2 shits to ever bother with anything on it.
And then there's the very few people who ever bother with forums. That number is always very low compared to the real numbers.
>See any gaming forum ever made. Very few people ever care about them.
And then there's the fact that with time the word of mouth will only increase, and assuming at a whim, that the release would be sometime early next year, I don't think my numbers are that far fetched, at least if you're just doing it mathematically without taking in a hundred other factors that can be at work.
Re: Starting population
Mon Nov 17, 2014 3:01 pm
by apollan
As of now, Kronos has a larger community than us. I don't know about you guys, but what made me choose this server is the progression through expansions. Server stability is also a good feature: 4000+ people in one zone, France location, anti-cheat, etc.
We just gotta keep doing our part to help out. Tell friends, subtly reference Nostalrius in WoW video comments, or put the link to this site in videos you've uploaded. For example, what I've been posting in vanilla wow vid comments: "This looks awesome. Can't wait for Nostalrius to be released. I'm gonna experience this all over again."
Re: Starting population
Mon Nov 17, 2014 4:13 pm
by kahari
I don't think Hatson's numbers are terribly unrealistic. The vast majority of players do not make accounts on the forums, facebook, etc. - I only signed up for the forums and newsletter because numbers seem to be related to the launch, I would never otherwise.
Also 700 accounts is not the same as concurrent users - starting off with 2-300 concurrent users would be fine, and with so many people waiting for Kronos and the Rebirth still MIA, it will certainly grow from there.
I know I've said this in a million posts already, but the single most important thing is going to be launching before Kronos.
Re: Starting population
Tue Nov 18, 2014 4:20 pm
by Hatson
And with the recent newsletter by them that was just sent out this morning, it seems they believe in the same estimations as me. At least in terms of their Facebook page.
Re: Starting population
Tue Nov 18, 2014 4:26 pm
by Drain
Well the benefit of a test phase is that you can directly see how many people are going to play. Anyone interested in the server is going to get on it. They announced another test phase for December. Nothing is going to be as accurate as in game player counts.