by Faleene » Sat Apr 25, 2015 3:10 am
Well to be fair it could happen on either side. I believe there is a way to purposefully bug it out to get extra players? I know if you get the queue but it doesn't allow you to join (because 5 years dev) , you can solo queue quickly and still get in the game, giving you an extra player.
I've also heard of queueing when people are loading into wsg but not sure if that works since loading is pretty short.
Highest i've seen so far is like a 14 wsg and 18 or 19 AB. It won't matter so much when AV is released next year since numbers are so high on either side anyway
Edit: PvP on north american times is pretty much dead on this server anyway. Only sometimes do we fill up an AB or WSG. No raiding content so people do premades, and those premades are also just drained of pvping all day. Once people get their weekly honor there isn't even a bother to log on. Hell I don't even feel like going from r10 to r11 for my mount.
Double edit: That game in specific was a 6vs8 for a long time but the players never leveled out
tldr: Spring time is here and women's boobs have blossomed from their thick insulated coats into tight shirts and tank tops.
Last edited by
Faleene on Sat Apr 25, 2015 3:15 am, edited 2 times in total.