Can me and my friends play here?

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Can me and my friends play here?

by Soullinker » Mon Apr 27, 2015 2:09 pm

We are 10 man guild that plays on the legit servers, but WoD is not really our cup of tea with the token and all.
So we considered trying old Vanilla WoW apparently this is the best Vanilla server.

However reading the rules we are concerned because it looks like you can register only 3 accounts on the same IP and we live in a college dorm and share 1 router and so we have 1 IP. That was easy enough to fix with just making accounts using our phones and data plan. Still it would be stupid to spend 2-3 days leveling just to get automatically banned for having more than 3 accounts on same IP.

What is the policy in this case? Are we allowed to play here?
Also another question and something that i don't personally understand is that /follow is forbidden? Is this true? Its not a huge prob we just use /follow on legit WoW in cause someone needs to do a WC run so he dose not lag behind?

Are there any other rules that are weird like this?

Re: Can me and my friends play here?

by Igen » Mon Apr 27, 2015 3:42 pm

As long as there is one person behind each account online, you will have no issues. You can read the rules here here.

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Re: Can me and my friends play here?

by Georgerr » Mon Apr 27, 2015 4:01 pm

Reg the other 7 accounts from different IP
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Re: Can me and my friends play here?

by Bioness » Mon Apr 27, 2015 4:12 pm

Never heard the retail version be referred to as "legit" before. Also you know the only thing a 10 man guide can do is dungeons and Warsong Gulch right? Everything else you'll need more people.
Last edited by Bioness on Mon Apr 27, 2015 6:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Can me and my friends play here?

by Mryul » Mon Apr 27, 2015 5:14 pm

you can't follow your own character. you can follow anyone else.

and you should play alliance if you plan to PvP at all. Queue timers on horde is closing in to over hours
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Re: Can me and my friends play here?

by Præisten » Tue Apr 28, 2015 12:02 am

If you play here, you should roll horde. Alliance is filled with retarded kids with absolutely no pvp skills and are crying on the forum.

Welcome here :-) hope you will have a good time.
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Re: Can me and my friends play here?

by Weston » Tue Apr 28, 2015 12:06 am

Præisten wrote:If you play here, you should roll horde. Alliance is filled with retarded kids with absolutely no pvp skills and are crying on the forum.

Welcome here :-) hope you will have a good time.

Roll horde because horde are teenagers who only win fights outnumbered in their favor.
Roll horde so you can kill the server faster.
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Re: Can me and my friends play here?

by OGTUCKER117 » Tue Apr 28, 2015 12:12 am

Weston wrote:
Præisten wrote:If you play here, you should roll horde. Alliance is filled with retarded kids with absolutely no pvp skills and are crying on the forum.

Welcome here :-) hope you will have a good time.

Roll horde because horde are teenagers who only win fights outnumbered in their favor.
Roll horde so you can kill the server faster.

52-48 H/A ratio
you are an idiot
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Re: Can me and my friends play here?

by Præisten » Tue Apr 28, 2015 12:17 am

Weston wrote:
Præisten wrote:If you play here, you should roll horde. Alliance is filled with retarded kids with absolutely no pvp skills and are crying on the forum.

Welcome here :-) hope you will have a good time.

Roll horde because horde are teenagers who only win fights outnumbered in their favor.
Roll horde so you can kill the server faster.

Server balance is fine with a 48/52 A/H ratio. Try again noob.
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Re: Can me and my friends play here?

by Membraniac » Tue Apr 28, 2015 12:18 am

Well my main is a shaman so being alliance would kind of kill the point of what I'm trying to do, but I'm only about to hit level 40 so I'm not even a high enough level to witness the atrocities I'm hearing about. I don't plan on playing enough to get to 60 any time soon, but if I decide to make an alt it will be alliance on principle, possibly every alt.

EDIT: Prae, the official numbers put the server at 54-46, which is an 8 point spread. This number is presumably every character that has ever been created and not deleted, level 1-60. The problem people are complaining about apparently starts in the high forties and gets worse as you level up. If you don't think it's a big deal, I think you should post proof of your level 60 alliance character. Otherwise, you don't know what you're saying.
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