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The official WoW forums........

PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 9:01 pm
by Mrplow
....are a sad place right now. Non stop complaining about lack of content, garrisons, etc, etc.

I feel so much relief to no longer give blizzard my money. Been 2 months and I don't miss it one bit, never happened for me before in 9 years. I used to miss it after a week and go back, now, nothing.

Looking forward to getting back to a real WoW experience here on Nos. Its like if your all time favorite video game was Super Mario World for SNES and then Nintendo shut down all the game cartridges so you could never play it again. All you can do is remember how great it was while they tell you Super Mario Wii U is far superior and to take off your rose tinted glasses about the past inferior Mario.

Re: The official WoW forums........

PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 9:04 pm
by konked
Most of us left after Wotlk, WoW took a turn for the worse going into cata IMO.

Also i love when blizzard trys to tell us we don't want vanilla servers, Jagex said the same thing about oldschool runescape and now it's they're biggest game.

Re: The official WoW forums........

PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 9:11 pm
by Keftenk
I agree with konked, though I think WoTLK was actually when they took the turn for the worse. It was a good expansion, but it was still heavily doused with casual-water. Cataclysm was just a turd wrapped in fancy packaging...

Re: The official WoW forums........

PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 9:11 pm
by Cornholi
It's almost like the WoW forums are always used to complain about everything...

Re: The official WoW forums........

PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 9:18 pm
by pharcyde
konked wrote:Also i love when blizzard trys to tell us we don't want vanilla servers, Jagex said the same thing about oldschool runescape and now it's they're biggest game.

Indeed that is very silly that they don't see that. But if I remember correctly Blizzard said at one point that they want to keep moving forward with the game and not backwards.

Re: The official WoW forums........

PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 9:20 pm
by Mrplow
Cornholi wrote:It's almost like the WoW forums are always used to complain about everything...

Sorry but its never been like this. And Ive been through it all on those forums. The only time the complaining has ever been to this level was the real id fiasco.

Re: The official WoW forums........

PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 9:21 pm
by TheLockKing
Heeeyy.. >.> I liked Cata.. kinda.

More Raids and NOT shutting down ZG/ZA but instead adding Heroic 25M versions of them woulda been fine. Also transmog was cool.

That being said, there was a lot wrong with Cata. The Great Reagent Purge, removal of so many goddamn awesome quests, Talent Tree "revamp". But it was at least SOME semblance of previous WoW..

then MoP hit and threw that out the window.

Re: The official WoW forums........

PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 9:21 pm
by Beabington
Still raid retail, it's pretty fun. Gonna raid here too. Wutever

Re: The official WoW forums........

PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 9:24 pm
by Mrplow
konked wrote:Most of us left after Wotlk, WoW took a turn for the worse going into cata IMO.

Also i love when blizzard trys to tell us we don't want vanilla servers, Jagex said the same thing about oldschool runescape and now it's they're biggest game.

Exactly, I haven't loved WoW since wrath. TBC was peak for me, vanilla I was such a noob I didn't even figure out how to use talent points till level 40. So Im looking forward to seeing it again with experienced eyes.

Cata I hated, MoP I hated, WoD I hate most of all.

Re: The official WoW forums........

PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 9:29 pm
by Mrplow
TheLockKing wrote:Heeeyy.. >.> I liked Cata.. kinda.

More Raids and NOT shutting down ZG/ZA but instead adding Heroic 25M versions of them woulda been fine. Also transmog was cool.

That being said, there was a lot wrong with Cata. The Great Reagent Purge, removal of so many goddamn awesome quests, Talent Tree "revamp". But it was at least SOME semblance of previous WoW..

then MoP hit and threw that out the window.

ZA was one of my fave raids and they turned into a 5 man. They also got lazy and started making the same gear for all versions of raids instead of diff gear tables for 25 and 10 like in Wrath. Only good thing from Cata for me was Transmog and the water zone. I know everyone hated it but to me it felt like classic WoW. Mysterious, huge, and intimidating.