Boycott of 48+ powerleveling

Hi. I am playing in Ally, and after earning 48 I got a lot of known problems. The poverleveling becomes incredible hard because of infinite gangs and corps running. Just several examples what I saw:
1. In the Blasted Lads Ally base was farmed by group of ?? Hordes. People die just when they arrived by Fly. They farmed whole base, no chance to survive or omit this event.
2. Same story in the Un'goro crater- three times I have tried to take any quest - the result is similar, just corps run. The land near the questgivers was full of bones, more white then green.
3. Feralas - three times ganged at quest givers, no chances to take any quest.
4. Azshara - horde just farm fly point. everyone - instant death.
So, I am not a feed, I am not a easy honor and I do not want to give a fun for killing me to someone. I propose to Boycott this server, boycott powerleveling, just stay 48-49 anf play BG until the situation will not change. Corpse running is not a funny game.
1. In the Blasted Lads Ally base was farmed by group of ?? Hordes. People die just when they arrived by Fly. They farmed whole base, no chance to survive or omit this event.
2. Same story in the Un'goro crater- three times I have tried to take any quest - the result is similar, just corps run. The land near the questgivers was full of bones, more white then green.
3. Feralas - three times ganged at quest givers, no chances to take any quest.
4. Azshara - horde just farm fly point. everyone - instant death.
So, I am not a feed, I am not a easy honor and I do not want to give a fun for killing me to someone. I propose to Boycott this server, boycott powerleveling, just stay 48-49 anf play BG until the situation will not change. Corpse running is not a funny game.