Aquane wrote:honor system wasn't implemented in retail until patch 1.4, and dire maul was 1.3, and battlegrounds didnt come until 1.5
Rinzler wrote:Maybe they should keep it closed till you guys all get T3, will you feel safer then?
The PvP Battleground Alterac Valley or Events (Silithus silithysts and Plaguelands tower) will not be available right away. Warsong Gluch and Arathi Basin will be the only Battlegrounds available at launch without restriction. The PvP honor system will also be fully available at launch (the players waited 5 months on retail to have it). Alterac Valley will be opened 3 months after server opening. Since we also want to let you experiment epic PvP battles outside Battlegrounds, we may organize events to reproduce the huge battles you miss now.
BrissPvP wrote:I was wondering will the honor system be open at the start? I think it should be closed till like 200 60s on each faction.. just so the first 60s wont get high ranks really easy.. idk.. i think vanilla servers are unfair because the first 60s get a jump on the ranks before everyone else.. even 1 week makes a difference (16,000 Rank Points will be Easy at First week)