Toxicity Level is over 9000

I'm new here -- I don' expect anybody to listen to me. But god damn this is one toxic community. Not the best way to make people want to roll on this server.
Yes, ganking and camping happen -- is, has been, and always will be the way of a PvP server.
Yes, it can suck.
Yes, some people take it too far.
Yes, some people are just complaining too much an want a nice, easy, wrathbaby version of Warcraft.
From what I see, some people are voicing legitimate concerns and being met with douchbaggary -- Other people are just complaining and offering no solutions. Some people just want to bitch about an awesome, free service.
But like - Can' we all just step back and try to be civil about it?
Yes, ganking and camping happen -- is, has been, and always will be the way of a PvP server.
Yes, it can suck.
Yes, some people take it too far.
Yes, some people are just complaining too much an want a nice, easy, wrathbaby version of Warcraft.
From what I see, some people are voicing legitimate concerns and being met with douchbaggary -- Other people are just complaining and offering no solutions. Some people just want to bitch about an awesome, free service.
But like - Can' we all just step back and try to be civil about it?