I know the charade at this point. Alliance is going to tune in here, letting me know how much I suck, and how much of a quitter I am. Horde are going to back me up, agreeing that the situation is horrible and what not. Either way, I have decided to share my experience with the game on this server.
I started out as Alliance, playing a Paladin with a RL friend. We made it through STV rather easily, without having much trouble what so ever. We met the occasional horde, we killed them a couple of times, but around level ~42 we decided that the characters we had weren't what we wanted. So we rerolled horde.
The first minor hurdle we met, was a group of alliances on mounts at Stonetalon. We got locked out of the zone entirely for a good amount of time. Undaunted, that was what we expected of a PvP server. We expected to be killed by Alliance, although we found it a bit odd that such a huge number was showing up in Stonetalon to grief.
Next, we made it to Ashenvale. Ashenvale wasn't too bad, honestly. I believe we made it through the zone with about seven or ten deaths to alliance each. Overall it was an okay experience, probably around an awkward gank every hour or so. We were reliving the old times, having a blast seeing Ursangous and all the related quests again.
In STV, I lost my RL buddy. After having been ganked numerous times at Nesingwary's before we even got started questing, we got destroyed even more out in the questing. In this zone we were often dead for about as long as we were alive. The downtime was getting horrific, and not at all comparable to the alliance side where we breezed through a majority of the zone. Anyway, I was determined to not give up, even if Titanbar showed my HK ratio to be something like 5-58 at the end of a session.
Tanaris. Oh boy. Alliance camping on top of the different roofs, "safespotting" alliance to death routinely. Whenever out in the field, you better pray that whatever Alliance ran into you was too high level to gain honor from you. If they weren't, you'd likely be eating dirt as fighting back would only aggro more horde to join the fight. Either way, aside from the safespotting, things were actually doable in this zone. I managed to complete the requirements to get all my ZF quests, and I got some gear from the instance. Overall doable.
Then I hit level 50, and everything stopped. I landed in Searing Gorge to find our Flightmaster killed, and a squad of five-six alliance 60's standing there to kill me on sight. The next thirty-or-so minutes I spent trying to get out of the zone and go somewhere else. I got corpsecamped so hard I couldn't even hearthstone. Eventually I had to log off. When I logged back in later, I hearthstoned and attempted another zone.
Un'goro.. The rebel camp is basically nothing but skeletons and dead NPC's. The camping here is even worse than it was in Searing Gorge. I could go nowhere, do nothing, kill no mobs, without some horde preparing to destroy me. Another zone where I logged out, came back later, and hearthstoned to safety. Or so I thought. For when I arrived in Grom'gol base, a Rogue was in the zeppelin tower. I didn't even get to load before I was dead...
Blastedlands.. In about an hour I managed to complete a single quest in this zone. ONE quest. I earned a whopping 15.000 experience in the sitting.
I'm being killed everywhere I go. Constantly. I cannot even step onto the ships that take me from one continent to the other without being corpsecamped. To add insult to injury, the whole teabagging party while waiting for players to respawn has killed my love for the game.
In short, grinding 12 levels in a remote corner of whatever zone isn't what I loved about the game. I wish you all the best, and goobye.