Partial Solution for alliance

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Partial Solution for alliance

by snownado » Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:00 pm

Hey everyone,

So I just joined this (awesome) server and feel compelled to offer some thoughts on the "gank fest 2015"

1) yes we understand that for us alliance (not me yet just started) the constant ganking sucks. No one is here to agrue with you.

2) Fellow alliance don't take this the wrong's time to stop complaining and take action. -"what do you mean? There is nothing I can do! They are maxed and in every zone!"

Well here are a few things you can do and I DID do them back in vanilla while I leveled.

First, make friends.(period) join a guild for protection or run dungeons. Vanilla was design around group play and hence trying to go at anything alone is difficult.

Second, Return the favor! One example for all the "50's" quitting - go to tauren mill area and camp the level 20ish horde. Make it miserable for those horde, make them want to roll alliance! BUT BUT They will call 60s....umm hello if that is their solution WHY are YOU, YES YOU, not doing the same thing for your troubles??

This will require 60s to leave whatever they are doing to stop you, but hey before they come you've killed some horde and now maybe another friendly alliance can quest because the goonsquad left felwood to come get you.

Finally, You can not honestly want me to believe that of the 600 alliance 60s none are willing to help? I won't accept that.

The horde are calling you it because you are all singing the same tune, and fyi it's not working.

I leave you with this..."it's important to fight and fight again, and keep fighting, for only then can evil be kept at bay, though never quite eradicated" - Albus Dumbledore

Re: Partial Solution for alliance

by grimnarr » Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:20 pm

Why should the level 60s alliance help?
This situation is perfect for us. We have instant bg queues at any time of the day.
Helping the lowbies would be counter productive.

Re: Partial Solution for alliance

by danker » Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:24 pm

They are to busy arguing with Matt and being awesome, reroll, quit or get destroyed... Welcome to Nos

Re: Partial Solution for alliance

by Mryul » Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:33 pm

Bad idea to start more ganking. Most horde dont actually gank, dont give them an incentive.
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Re: Partial Solution for alliance

by Petroix » Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:34 pm

Ally 60s will not help lol, u mad? They don't care, they prefer to do bg's or even stay afk.

But even if.. ally will bring some 60s to help and what horde will do? The same. You think that's the solution? That will make it worse. And don't forget that there are more horde 60s than ally,.
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Re: Partial Solution for alliance

by PanTheSatyr » Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:35 pm

snownado wrote:First, make friends.(period) join a guild for protection or run dungeons. Vanilla was design around group play and hence trying to go at anything alone is difficult.

If your guild doesn't have 60's in it, it's not helpful.

Second, Return the favor! One example for all the "50's" quitting - go to tauren mill area and camp the level 20ish horde. Make it miserable for those horde, make them want to roll alliance!

So your solution to people being jerks is... to be a bigger jerk? That perpetuates the problem.

The only solution is for Horde to stop ganking 50's... which they won't do because the system rewards them for ganking.
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Re: Partial Solution for alliance

by Keftenk » Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:35 pm

I wonder what would happen if AV was released...
Oh wait, it did. 4 full groups at at once. Just sayin'
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Re: Partial Solution for alliance

by l33tplaya97 » Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:36 pm

Mryul wrote:Bad idea to start more ganking. Most horde dont actually gank, dont give them an incentive.

you are so butthurt i laugh everytime i see u post
you go in every thread and complain, even the threads the admin made stating that the A/H ratio is 48-52
you can try and spin it any way u want but the ratio is 48-52
maybe the reason there are more horde 60's is cuz ally sucks
im the best

Re: Partial Solution for alliance

by snownado » Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:53 pm

Why are you under the impression that ganking is being a "jerk"? This is a game based on war and hating the other faction... This isn't star craft no rush 30 where you just build up a huge army and attack. The horde are using STRATEGY to prevent you from leveling. Their goal? Domination, make you quit.

This is the exact attitude and reaction the horde want. This is a WAR. Giving up, complaining, throwing in the towel... Enough already, Time to nut up!

Right now the alliance needs Heroes...So I ask, are you that hero? If not move along.

I started this thread to give hope to the alliance not watch a few forum trolls reply along with defeated souls.

"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light"

Re: Partial Solution for alliance

by spinaltap » Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:57 pm

What a sad state the Alliance mentality is in. These guys guys replying are telling us to not make the Horde angry. Are you fricken kidding me???? I'm going to gank Horde of all levels with the sole purpose of pissing them off. Is the point of leveling to 60 on Alliance to just do BG's and Raids? The best part of Wow is going out in the world and fighting the Horde. Why have we fallen so far?

I encourage all Alliance to fight back and stop being such babies, its embarrassing. This is a game of war, not tiddlywinks. I will try my best to restore some dignity to the Alliance and combat all Horde who step foot in Azeroth. It's not going to be easy and its not going to be immediate but if your reading all these threads about Alliance QQ's, just know we are all not liberal democrats who just want peace. There is hope for us.


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