Partial Solution for alliance

Hey everyone,
So I just joined this (awesome) server and feel compelled to offer some thoughts on the "gank fest 2015"
1) yes we understand that for us alliance (not me yet just started) the constant ganking sucks. No one is here to agrue with you.
2) Fellow alliance don't take this the wrong's time to stop complaining and take action. -"what do you mean? There is nothing I can do! They are maxed and in every zone!"
Well here are a few things you can do and I DID do them back in vanilla while I leveled.
First, make friends.(period) join a guild for protection or run dungeons. Vanilla was design around group play and hence trying to go at anything alone is difficult.
Second, Return the favor! One example for all the "50's" quitting - go to tauren mill area and camp the level 20ish horde. Make it miserable for those horde, make them want to roll alliance! BUT BUT They will call 60s....umm hello if that is their solution WHY are YOU, YES YOU, not doing the same thing for your troubles??
This will require 60s to leave whatever they are doing to stop you, but hey before they come you've killed some horde and now maybe another friendly alliance can quest because the goonsquad left felwood to come get you.
Finally, You can not honestly want me to believe that of the 600 alliance 60s none are willing to help? I won't accept that.
The horde are calling you it because you are all singing the same tune, and fyi it's not working.
I leave you with this..."it's important to fight and fight again, and keep fighting, for only then can evil be kept at bay, though never quite eradicated" - Albus Dumbledore
So I just joined this (awesome) server and feel compelled to offer some thoughts on the "gank fest 2015"
1) yes we understand that for us alliance (not me yet just started) the constant ganking sucks. No one is here to agrue with you.
2) Fellow alliance don't take this the wrong's time to stop complaining and take action. -"what do you mean? There is nothing I can do! They are maxed and in every zone!"
Well here are a few things you can do and I DID do them back in vanilla while I leveled.
First, make friends.(period) join a guild for protection or run dungeons. Vanilla was design around group play and hence trying to go at anything alone is difficult.
Second, Return the favor! One example for all the "50's" quitting - go to tauren mill area and camp the level 20ish horde. Make it miserable for those horde, make them want to roll alliance! BUT BUT They will call 60s....umm hello if that is their solution WHY are YOU, YES YOU, not doing the same thing for your troubles??
This will require 60s to leave whatever they are doing to stop you, but hey before they come you've killed some horde and now maybe another friendly alliance can quest because the goonsquad left felwood to come get you.
Finally, You can not honestly want me to believe that of the 600 alliance 60s none are willing to help? I won't accept that.
The horde are calling you it because you are all singing the same tune, and fyi it's not working.
I leave you with this..."it's important to fight and fight again, and keep fighting, for only then can evil be kept at bay, though never quite eradicated" - Albus Dumbledore