by Xyz » Thu Apr 30, 2015 7:14 am
STRICTLY Content wise the difficulty is similar, and with the downgraded gear, DPS is a bit lower than on other emulator servers, however the 1.12.1 talents are still the talents in use so the overall difficulty is of course a fair amount lower.
As the server progresses these factors will matter less and less especially by AQ and Naxx at which point the content was balanced around mostly the same talent trees that exist. Its still not completely trivial, you must adhere to many of the same mechanics and gear in the correct manner.
You never really needed resist gear on these two raids, despite whatever your guild on retail had you believe, but you do need a set for tanks.
So yes, its easier than retail, but unless they completely make up values (something I would not approve of and is stupid that other servers do it haphazardly adding mostly time and not difficulty from what I understand, I'm looking at you Peenix) you'll have to wait til the actual difficult content comes out, which in vanilla isn't til the 5th boss in AQ40 really.
Vanilla is largely a game of organization as far as PVE content goes. The same can be said of all MMOs, but organizing 40 people is a lot different than 10 or 25.