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So I heard this game was easer than blizz like.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 6:04 am
by Cassander
I've heard people say that Ony and rag are much easer on nost than they were in retail. That they hit for less and you need a lot less resist than you did in retail. Is this true and if it is can the devs buff these bosses so they are as intended?

Re: So I heard this game was easer than blizz like.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 6:38 am
by Pepa111
you wut m8

Re: So I heard this game was easer than blizz like.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 6:58 am
by holkan
I haven't fought ony or rag so I can't speak to those fights, but elemental damage in general seems low I recall the elemental fireguard destroyers in brd doing terrifying damage. They don't do anything here really. In the same token the end pulls with the shocks do INSANE damage that I don't recall being done. I think that has more to do with all mobs using their skills on cool down / spamming them rather then using them at random intervals. Also like timmy the cruel in Lstrat is supposed to do insane damage but he hits like a wet noodle.

Also I remember the lavapacks in MC being insane damage and dps having to wear a fair amount of fire resist especially as melee to even survive.

Re: So I heard this game was easer than blizz like.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 7:06 am
by Setup
Cassander wrote:I've heard people say that Ony and rag are much easer on nost than they were in retail. That they hit for less and you need a lot less resist than you did in retail. Is this true and if it is can the devs buff these bosses so they are as intended?

Ony has always hit like a little girl. Cloth-wearers can (and did) tank her during vanilla retail.
If anything, I'd say she's overtuned, because I don't personally remember her fireballs giving a conflag effect.

I admit I remember Rag being more difficult in retail, but I suspect that's just because we were all a bunch of clueless noobs, whereas this server is full of folks who have collected pre-raid BIS and know what they're doing.

Re: So I heard this game was easer than blizz like.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 7:14 am
by Xyz
STRICTLY Content wise the difficulty is similar, and with the downgraded gear, DPS is a bit lower than on other emulator servers, however the 1.12.1 talents are still the talents in use so the overall difficulty is of course a fair amount lower.

As the server progresses these factors will matter less and less especially by AQ and Naxx at which point the content was balanced around mostly the same talent trees that exist. Its still not completely trivial, you must adhere to many of the same mechanics and gear in the correct manner.

You never really needed resist gear on these two raids, despite whatever your guild on retail had you believe, but you do need a set for tanks.

So yes, its easier than retail, but unless they completely make up values (something I would not approve of and is stupid that other servers do it haphazardly adding mostly time and not difficulty from what I understand, I'm looking at you Peenix) you'll have to wait til the actual difficult content comes out, which in vanilla isn't til the 5th boss in AQ40 really.

Vanilla is largely a game of organization as far as PVE content goes. The same can be said of all MMOs, but organizing 40 people is a lot different than 10 or 25.

Re: So I heard this game was easer than blizz like.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 7:48 am
by matt
it's easier cause you've been playing the same game for 10 years

Re: So I heard this game was easer than blizz like.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 8:27 am
by Tekko
A few reasons it's easier, everyone knows the tactics, they've done it for 10 years.

It's on patch 1.12.1, the game was easier then that it was when MC was released etc.

It was bugged on the first kills.

Re: So I heard this game was easer than blizz like.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 9:09 am
by mynamewastaken
ofc its easier.

firstly becasue nostalrius is very bugged server
then you play with 1.12 talents and lots of 1.12 items that were added with 1.11 that didnt even suffer a "nostalrius 1.4 itemsisation" gg
then getting pvp ranks is 10000000 % easier than on retail. and engineering is bugged and everything else is bugged

Re: So I heard this game was easer than blizz like.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 11:35 am
by l33tplaya97
mynamewastaken wrote:ofc its easier.

firstly becasue nostalrius is very bugged server
then you play with 1.12 talents and lots of 1.12 items that were added with 1.11 that didnt even suffer a "nostalrius 1.4 itemsisation" gg
then getting pvp ranks is 10000000 % easier than on retail. and engineering is bugged and everything else is bugged

you are retarded

Re: So I heard this game was easer than blizz like.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 12:52 pm
by runklebc
You're playing Vanilla WoW in 2015, not 2006. Everything done in any serious raiding guild is going to be optimized to the max. Everyone knows what the best gear is, everyone knows what the best consumables are, everyone knows what the correct rotation is, the list goes on.

In full blues with smart players we were able to get a sub 3 minute rag kill (before submerge) with only nerfed dungeon gear and the pretty worthless (mostly) pieces from MC/Ony.

You know where to farm, what to buy, what skills to use, and where to position. It is said that hindsight is 20/20 - well welcome to WoW hindsight, we have 20/20 vision in regards to Vanilla now.