release alterac valley, solve few problems

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release alterac valley, solve few problems

by pakao » Thu Apr 30, 2015 4:25 pm

It will help about this lvl 50-60 ganking thing that is happening.

Thats the only solution i can think of. Not sure how much, but it will definetly help. People can level in av, and they can farm honor.

+its a huge thing for a server even if there were not for this issue. considering our population, we should have at least 1-3 avs up at all times. More at weekends and even more at av weekends.
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Re: release alterac valley, solve few problems

by Aunstic » Thu Apr 30, 2015 4:32 pm

Content isn't released based on problems.

As I said in a previous thread,
Aunstic wrote:If you think about it, AV would only help for a certain amount of time. I think we can all agree that everyone will jump on the next piece of content upon release, but it'll last up to a few hours/days before we see the same complaints pour into the forums... again.
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Re: release alterac valley, solve few problems

by riq and snog » Thu Apr 30, 2015 4:32 pm

Also decreasing honor gain for lowlvl... but av is good aswell
riq and snog
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: release alterac valley, solve few problems

by macgarthur » Thu Apr 30, 2015 4:35 pm

Releasing AV won't solve anything. This has nothing to do with honor points. You could release AV tomorrow and the problem would be the exact same if not worse.
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Re: release alterac valley, solve few problems

by uWot » Thu Apr 30, 2015 4:54 pm

macgarthur wrote:the problem would be the exact same if not worse.

Elaborate, please.

Re: release alterac valley, solve few problems

by Zaft » Thu Apr 30, 2015 5:04 pm

macgarthur wrote:Releasing AV won't solve anything. This has nothing to do with honor points. You could release AV tomorrow and the problem would be the exact same if not worse.

It has EVERYTHING to do with honor.

To keep up with Steezy hordes have to farm honor outside of BGs because of long queues and streaks of premades.

What do you think gives the most honor: Losing to NOPE premade getting 390 honor for turning in 3 marks after 3 losses, or killing players for about 200 honor a piece?
Sergeant Major
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Re: release alterac valley, solve few problems

by Crilleh » Thu Apr 30, 2015 5:24 pm

Zaft wrote:
macgarthur wrote:Releasing AV won't solve anything. This has nothing to do with honor points. You could release AV tomorrow and the problem would be the exact same if not worse.

It has EVERYTHING to do with honor.

To keep up with Steezy hordes have to farm honor outside of BGs because of long queues and streaks of premades.

What do you think gives the most honor: Losing to NOPE premade getting 390 honor for turning in 3 marks after 3 losses, or killing players for about 200 honor a piece?

In addition to this, the amount of time you have to spend in queue to even get these three marks makes it more worth it to go around ganking. There will probably be queues for AV as well, but at least then there is the possibility to get more consistent honor.

Saying that releasing AV wont solve anything is rather ignorant, the main reason for the level 60 hordes to gank level 48+ players right now is to get honor. Releasing AV would definitely be a step in the right direction, at the very least.

Re: release alterac valley, solve few problems

by riq and snog » Thu Apr 30, 2015 5:26 pm

The fact that u guys are forced to wpvp for ranking is the problem.
Make own premades
Av release
Less honor for lowlvl killing
Standing ranking talk within fraction
Alliance char transfer
Etc etc
riq and snog
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: release alterac valley, solve few problems

by alucard001 » Thu Apr 30, 2015 6:41 pm

macgarthur wrote:Releasing AV won't solve anything. This has nothing to do with honor points. You could release AV tomorrow and the problem would be the exact same if not worse.

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Re: release alterac valley, solve few problems

by nervous » Thu Apr 30, 2015 6:55 pm

You realize that if you release AV, there would be the same, if not more horde queuing? The problem is there aren't enough alliance pvpers to make queue times equal.

"well then stop ganking us lol"

If you're too dumb to avoid high traffic areas, I doubt you're a pvper anyways.


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