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I leveled up from 52-60 Alliance in the last few days. AMA

PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:38 am
by Jreed
Ask away.

Re: I leveled up from 52-60 Alliance in the last few days. A

PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:44 am
by Sakuraba
Is it true that you can't fly anywhere because all the flight masters are killed by those mean hordies?

Is it true that you sometimes get killed in Ungoro?

Re: I leveled up from 52-60 Alliance in the last few days. A

PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:49 am
by Zeeb
How much time /played?

How many times did you get ganked?

Do you see yourself ganking horde scum in the future?

Re: I leveled up from 52-60 Alliance in the last few days. A

PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:50 am
by Jreed
Sakuraba wrote:Is it true that you can't fly anywhere because all the flight masters are killed by those mean hordies?

Honestly only had that effect me when I was leveling up in Hillsbrad, which only was an inconvenience for about 15 minutes. Saw it once in EPL while leveling 52-60, but since I was questing in the zone and not flying around for EXP, I'd just leave the flight master area and quest. If I really needed to get somewhere I could always hearth.

Sakuraba wrote:Is it true that you sometimes get killed in Ungoro?

Oh yes, the run back to the body was pretty bad there, but once you learn the high traffic areas of the horde, you can always just avoid those spots.

Re: I leveled up from 52-60 Alliance in the last few days. A

PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:54 am
by Jreed
Zeeb wrote:How much time /played?

Not too sure, no access to WoW atm. Probably somewhere around 8-10 days. Probably 10% of the time was running around mining ores in certain spots to wait for my friends to catch up.[/quote]

How many times did you get ganked?

A lot, it's bound to happen on a PvP server.

Do you see yourself ganking horde scum in the future?

Nah, no need. BG queues aren't bad, you know cause I'm alliance, and ganking horde scum will only perpetuate the culture of ganking lowbies.

Re: I leveled up from 52-60 Alliance in the last few days. A

PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2015 7:09 am
by Fexzz
Yeah right, where is your proof? Bet you didn't even hit 20! No way you can level up to 60 as alliance currently

Re: I leveled up from 52-60 Alliance in the last few days. A

PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2015 7:33 am
by Jreed
Fexzz wrote:Yeah right, where is your proof? Bet you didn't even hit 20! No way you can level up to 60 as alliance currently ... ayer=Jreed

All legit. You can see my shitty blues and almost full greens. Therefore I must have just hit 60. It hard incredibly hard to get through that level cap, tears in my eyes every night. I almost didn't want to do this AMA because it would bring back the horrible memories. I think I have PTSD from the experience. I wake up almost every night from nightmares, covered in sweat.

Re: I leveled up from 52-60 Alliance in the last few days. A

PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2015 7:43 am
by pakao
I saw tons of alliance questing/leveling in witerspring last night. I was in furbolg camps for maybe 2hrs and didnt see none of them got killed, and there were plenty of horde 60s farming furbolgs also

btw gz on 60 man

Re: I leveled up from 52-60 Alliance in the last few days. A

PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2015 7:45 am
by Zaft
You alliance players won't have to worry anymore, at least not before you get close to 60.

From the patch being applied:

"Your victim's level: killing a level 60 character gives more Honor than killing a level 50 character. Killing a "grey" player gives no Honor."

Hence if 48s give close to no honor people won't even bother.

Re: I leveled up from 52-60 Alliance in the last few days. A

PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2015 7:55 am
by Sakuraba
Tons of people will do it to spite them. :)
