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Ahoy Thar!

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2015 12:06 am
by Trinityblade190
Hey everyone!
So I have been at a loss gaming-wise.
So I figured i would hop on World of Warcraft(which is lasped.)
I fooled around for about two minutes, and realized that I just CAN'T play retail anymore.. It's not like how it used to be. After searching for servers, I learned about this particular one. Nos everyone kept calling it.
And to my amazement you actually have a POPULATION! Oh jeez!
But anywhos...

I just thought I would drop in and say hello!
As I firmly hope(and believe.) That this will be a true vanilla experience, so I know everyone will know everyone eventually :).
I am hoping to make a healer on the alliance side, and a tank on the horde side.
If I can acquire these names, you can find me there!


See you in Azeroth, and as the old school saying goes..
Happy Hunting!

Re: Ahoy Thar!

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2015 2:47 am
by Cody121
Dwarf Priest Master Race

Fear ward is to good...

WELCOME TO NOSTALRIUS! Please do not listen to the hate and the trolls. This server is perfectly reasonable to play on. Keep at it, enjoy the ride to 60, do all the dungeons, twink your character at each bracket and do some pvp along the way. Socialize with people.. seriously.. the more you talk to people and be friendly, the more likely you are to find a guild or group of people to play with regularly. One massive community, you will get to know who people are and what not. Keep up with professions, dont be a dick, and just have fun.

World pvp will happen, dont get mad.

Re: Ahoy Thar!

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2015 3:58 am
by Phigure
Cody121 wrote:Dwarf Priest Master Race

Fear ward is to good...

WELCOME TO NOSTALRIUS! Please do not listen to the hate and the trolls. This server is perfectly reasonable to play on. Keep at it, enjoy the ride to 60, do all the dungeons, twink your character at each bracket and do some pvp along the way. Socialize with people.. seriously.. the more you talk to people and be friendly, the more likely you are to find a guild or group of people to play with regularly. One massive community, you will get to know who people are and what not. Keep up with professions, dont be a dick, and just have fun.

World pvp will happen, dont get mad.

Couldn't say it much better than this.

Re: Ahoy Thar!

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2015 5:40 am
by SlayerOfNoob
Enjoy yourself friend.

Re: Ahoy Thar!

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2015 1:02 pm
by Taibak
Hope to see you around :)