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Skype Levelling Group

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2015 8:32 am
by Veldhuise
I was wondering if any of you guys would be interested in joining a levelling group via skype. My idea is that we start new characters and experience vanilla while talking to other bros on skype. This way we can go through wow as a social experience, sharing gear we find, instances, helping each other with difficult quests, etc and generally having fun instead of making it one long grind. The idea is that we all stay around the same level, i.e if you are a higher level than the rest of the group, you ease off levelling a little for others to catch up, and vice versa.
Once we establish how many people will be playing with us, we will decide what classes we should be. There's not much use in having 8 rogues.

If anyone is interested in joining please add my skype: archimonde1337

Please bring humour and social skills!

Re: Skype Levelling Group

PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2015 1:44 am
by Veldhuise
Almost got 10 people now, come quick if you are interested!