why are full premades allowed to que into random groups?

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why are full premades allowed to que into random groups?

by Brabus » Sun May 03, 2015 3:06 pm

why can u have a full premade que into random players? Seems really cancerous and stupid...

Re: why are full premades allowed to que into random groups?

by etrayu » Sun May 03, 2015 3:11 pm

yea maybe we should make it so when you queue 10 people for WSG you meet a group that also queued as 10 people, maybe even add some sort of Rating gain when you win.
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Re: why are full premades allowed to que into random groups?

by Brabus » Sun May 03, 2015 3:13 pm

it has always been if u have a raid u can only que into other raid groups. Having 10 organized players in voice queing into randoms for "honor" points (how ironic) is literally retarded

Re: why are full premades allowed to que into random groups?

by rewind » Sun May 03, 2015 3:19 pm

Brabus wrote:it has always been if u have a raid u can only que into other raid groups.

Source ?
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Re: why are full premades allowed to que into random groups?

by Jackyy » Sun May 03, 2015 3:22 pm

rewind wrote:
Brabus wrote:it has always been if u have a raid u can only que into other raid groups.

Source ?

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Re: why are full premades allowed to que into random groups?

by Brabus » Sun May 03, 2015 3:26 pm

this isn't a matter of era accuracy, it's a matter of toxic gameplay being fixed. Letting premades farm free honor all day agains random players, ruining their experience is just stupid.

Re: why are full premades allowed to que into random groups?

by Corazon » Sun May 03, 2015 3:31 pm

Brabus wrote:this isn't a matter of era accuracy, it's a matter of toxic gameplay being fixed. Letting premades farm free honor all day agains random players, ruining their experience is just stupid.

Working as intended. They didn't fix this until Wrath. Blizzlike.
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Re: why are full premades allowed to que into random groups?

by Brabus » Sun May 03, 2015 3:38 pm

Corazon wrote:
Brabus wrote:this isn't a matter of era accuracy, it's a matter of toxic gameplay being fixed. Letting premades farm free honor all day agains random players, ruining their experience is just stupid.

Working as intended. They didn't fix this until Wrath. Blizzlike.

having the pvp system like this is like someone restoring an old car and intentionally putting a defective part in it because it is how it originally came from the factory just so he can call it "factory original" it's stupid. It is obviously a bad system to let a raid premade all in voice chat que into random players and ruin their game. Plz fix this shit

Re: why are full premades allowed to que into random groups?

by norm964bgb » Sun May 03, 2015 3:38 pm

Brabus wrote:this isn't a matter of era accuracy, it's a matter of toxic gameplay being fixed. Letting premades farm free honor all day agains random players, ruining their experience is just stupid.

The server aims for being blizzlike.
Interfering in how honorfarming and raking works is against their promises and mindset. Dont play vanilla PvP if you dont like it.
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Re: why are full premades allowed to que into random groups?

by Diametra » Sun May 03, 2015 3:45 pm

I understand the difficulty but, whether it is blizzlike or not, asking to have people not be able to group as they see fit is counterintuitive. The obvious countermeasure is, well...obvious.
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