by Drain » Tue May 05, 2015 12:23 am
Blizzard's is much worse because they couldn't care less about it. So long as you pay them their monthly check, you can basically do whatever you want. There are sites loaded with auctions for accounts, items, gold, most of which is obtained by botting. You can openly broadcast your account or name in the auctions; it never get banned. Their WoW gold economy is in the toilet, has been for many years at this point, and they don't care at all. Gold is worth less than toilet paper on retail. Hell, I bet that there's still gold spammers. We were plagued with them everyday up until I quit. Blizzard couldn't be bothered to put ANY kind of restriction on chat channels, mailboxes, or messages. Nostalrius did this in a month. Blizzard couldn't do it in years. Nothing makes me want to quit a MMO more than logging in to see gold advertisement in my mailbox, receive it every day in messages, and seeing it spam my chat channels. I'm also inclined to eventually quit when the MMO does nothing about bots and hacks, which is why I quit GW 2 in less than 6 months. Its economy was ruined almost immediately after release. In addition to entire zergs of bots doing laps or camping events in mass, which they never did anything about up until I quit; we also had spam day and night in the game. Seeing teleport hackers everywhere in a new 2012 game is quite depressing. These players were mostly teleporting between resource nodes to mass farm, which were all bots too probably. Teleporting bot farmers. After cheating it from the game, they then advertise it in the game to sell it back to you. They're all vultures, parasites sucking the blood off the game, and I'm glad Nostalrius treats them as such. They should be banned, as many as possible, until they pack up and take their leeching elsewhere.
Last edited by
Drain on Tue May 05, 2015 1:11 am, edited 1 time in total.