Nyeon wrote:I want to thank Nostalrius for giving all of us an amazing vanilla server to play on. I'd like to thank the guild ThunderCats for showing me that the high level community on this server is toxic.
With horde farming any alliance zone lvl 48+ and members of ThunderCats grouping with the horde to prevent lowbies from farming for their lvl 40 mounts, I'm afraid I'll have to say goodbye to Nos. I hope the community becomes less toxic before more people leave like myself.
You don't make this place any less "toxic" by leaving.
One less defeatist, maybe. If you want to leave go ahead, but know this...
I believe in you.
I believe that you, and everyone here can make a difference in this community.
Can't farm for your mount? Can't level to 60?
Help others and build the comradery that you seek. It only takes a few people to get the wheels turning.
United, we can all at least make this a place worth wasting our time with.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6i7hgWTidDcI'll leave this here. You'll know what to do.