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Character restauration from former NR

Mon May 04, 2015 6:32 am
by Zaryn
Hi, NR team could tell us how characters restauration will occur (from former ver) : when and how ?
If not staff could say in news its ok or not ok for the future. We have always argue for or againts with good or bad ideas. Just wanna official position.
Re: Character restauration from former NR

Mon May 04, 2015 7:49 am
by Shadowbox
I don't think this question makes sense. Restoration from former what?
Re: Character restauration from former NR

Mon May 04, 2015 8:25 am
by Blazem
i guess he means if he can get his fully geared beta char restored or something

Re: Character restauration from former NR

Mon May 04, 2015 4:08 pm
by Zaryn
Yep i mean character migration from the former Nostalrius who stopped cause less 50 players was connected, former server who was not a "beta" but a real server, with same scripts and hard farming. Only wanna know official decision and conditions by staff. No intentions to argue anymore on its good or bad idea, or if its justice or a
Re: Character restauration from former NR

Mon May 04, 2015 4:11 pm
by runklebc
I don't believe that the old server will ever be taken into consideration. You'll have to level from 1 just like the rest of us. Good luck!
Re: Character restauration from former NR

Mon May 04, 2015 4:44 pm
by Xylon666Darkstar
No beta chars will ever be restored. Good luck!
Re: Character restauration from former NR

Mon May 04, 2015 5:54 pm
by g0dl1k3
i hope they dont restore beta characters.
that would fckn suck! just have everybody be on a level playing field
Re: Character restauration from former NR

Mon May 04, 2015 6:25 pm
by Pottu
As stated in our FAQ:How about characters used during Beta?
The Nostalrius beta testers will NOT get their characters at server launch. We want the server to be launched like real retail vanilla servers used to be, where everybody has to start from level 1. The old beta characters could still be imported, but under several hard conditions. This importation should not alter the PvE or PvP progression, should not change the server economy balance, nor come with an sense of injustice from other players. We rather think that it could bring back a lot of old Nostalrius players (more than 20.000 accounts !).
Anyway, these characters will stay unusable a long time after the release (and their names will be reusable).
Is it possible to transfer my characters from another server?
Sadly no.
This would strongly suggest that old characters will not be transferred.
Re: Character restauration from former NR

Tue May 05, 2015 10:56 am
by Zaryn
"The old beta characters could still be imported, but under several hard conditions. This importation should not alter the PvE or PvP progression".
its not impossible as i red it before, whicht terms thats the point.
And stop say "beta" for the former ver ;p.