I'm posting to encourage the Alliance to continue premading and create more premades. PUGing for the Alliance seems to be pretty terrible. I highly advise that all of you Alliance PvPers form premades to crush the waves of bad Horde PUGs over and over again until they curl up into the fetal position.
It's pretty unfortunate that most of the first generation PvPers on the Horde are gone. The first six~ weeks in which people levelled, got to ~r10 or simply enjoyed themselves worked out pretty well, we'd give the Alliance groups hell, and we'd stomp both premade and pug alike.
Anyways, a good portion of the decent and first players aren't around anymore, and what remains is clearly kids that reached 60 after a 2 month struggle with their autism.
I want the Alliance to weed out the AFKers and bads, and to back the Horde into a corner so they have no choice but to fight. The Horde won't create additional premades as a counter-measure.
Make more premades, let there be no more Alliance PUGs. If you see somebody PUGing who isn't a lost cause, pull him into your group. Thanks.