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Thinking about making a prot warr, few questions first

PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 3:10 pm
by Fleming
1. Will it be hard to find groups or a guild for dungeons/raids as a tank? I saw that a lot of people are planning on making warriors in the various polls, but I'm not sure how many are planning on going prot. I'm just a little worried that there will be too many tanks running around.

2. I imagine tanking was quite a lot different back then than it is in retail WoW today. Does anyone have any resources or guides for vanilla tanking? I wasn't around back in vanilla. I started in BC, but I never actually tried tanking until like cataclysm. From what I've read threat generation was a lot harder back in vanilla and DPS had to worry a lot more about aggro.

Re: Thinking about making a prot warr, few questions first

PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 5:49 pm
by konked
1. No you won't have a hard time finding groups or guilds that want a tank, majority of the people rolling warrior are dps/pvpers
2. Vanilla in general is a lot different compared to what it is today, check out the class mechanic's forum they have a pre 1.4 gear list done up for prot and a lot of other useful information.

Re: Thinking about making a prot warr, few questions first

PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 8:40 pm
by Fleming
Okay thanks, I appreciate it.

One more question to anyone who wants to answer: I saw in a different thread someone talk about tanking 5 man dungeons as fury. Is this plausible with low level dungeons at least? I'm thinking it will be easier if I can level up as arms/fury for a while at least since leveling up as prot is supposedly quite terrible.

Re: Thinking about making a prot warr, few questions first

PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 9:18 pm
by rakei
Non prot is fine for tanking 5 mans while leveling. Learn how to use sunder, revenge, stance dancing, defensive, tab targeting, and berserker rage for rage generation and you'll do fine. Recommend arms for TM. Skilled non prot > hapless prot warrior.

Re: Thinking about making a prot warr, few questions first

PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 9:26 pm
by Patience
Healers don't need to be heal spec until like 50, same goes for warr with tanking. As long as you know how your class works, you'll be fine.

Re: Thinking about making a prot warr, few questions first

PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 9:56 pm
by konked
Patience wrote:Healers don't need to be heal spec until like 50, same goes for warr with tanking. As long as you know how your class works, you'll be fine.

THIS, if you play a class that can heal/tank you only hinder yourself by not doing it while leveling.