by toolshed » Tue May 12, 2015 9:35 pm
If you want to level the fastest, questing on a pve server is by far the quickest. However, your gear will suck comparatively to someone who was instance grinding. Also, you will be ganked/pvped a lot, so that can be frustrating.
If you want the best gear, instance grinding is the best. However, you will level a lot slower than someone who was just solo questing and PUGing can be very annoying.
If you have a great group of friends to play with and dont have to PUG often, then I would instance grind because 1) your gear will be great, 2) you dont have to worry about pvp, and 3) you will gel as a group and be able to tackle the hardest dungeons once you hit 60. Solo questing to 60 can be rewarding and fast on a pve server, but remember that Nost is a pvp server: be prepared to move around outside of your questing guide due to people camping your corpse (you will probably have to grind)