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All the pre 1.4 gear lists

PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 8:48 pm
by Riilexi
I was thinking about it... thinking about going through and data mining / searching for my set of gear that I'm gunna get so that I'm ready for the 1.4 switch. Make a list of my gear before and after. Go real crazy and get everything set in stone and ready.

Something struck me though, whilst in the shower contemplating where to begin this morning. (Nothing like a nice hot shower to get that noggin turning) I don't think I'm going to make a list. If I take it as it comes at me, all the more nostalgia :D I'll be looking into the gear I can get in 1.4 and be ready to farm gear and get raid ready. Though there is only so much that can be done since I know where a lot of gear comes from for your typical "pre raid bis" but taking it as it comes is going to be a bit more fun I think.

Cheers to all those who are doing that work data mining and making lists available for people. Nothing against what you guys are doing, its awesome and good work! And to those of you who were looking for items, maybe this post will enlighten you, some will think I'm nuts. Back in the day we didn't know these changes were coming at the release. So I'm going to hide myself from the changes as much as I can. ;)

(Unfortunately I started playing in late jan of 05 and was swapping around the char I was gunna level a bit til I finally picked mage. So I will be experiencing these new pre- 1.4 items for the first time.)

Re: All the pre 1.4 gear lists

PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 10:36 pm
by Volodor
Agree with you here, IMO half the fun is not knowing and things being a bit of a mystery.

Re: All the pre 1.4 gear lists

PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 10:39 pm
by azamous
the mysterious aspect plays a vital part in this servers functionality, the great part about this server is, I get to experience WoW how I always wanted to experience it but couldn't due to being too young. I can't wait.

Re: All the pre 1.4 gear lists

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 1:19 am
by Riilexi
I get to experience WoW how I always wanted to experience it but couldn't due to being too young. I can't wait.

Yeesssss exactly

Re: All the pre 1.4 gear lists

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 1:39 am
by callex
get pumped lil tykes :geek:

Re: All the pre 1.4 gear lists

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 3:14 am
by konked
Riilexi wrote:
I get to experience WoW how I always wanted to experience it but couldn't due to being too young. I can't wait.

Yeesssss exactly

Awwww yeeeeee

I was like 12 in vanilla, 1-60 seemed like it would take a ages at the time only ever made it to about 35.

Re: All the pre 1.4 gear lists

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 11:11 am
by Riilexi
I mean I was there for my guilds first nef kill. out dps'd our class leader. Dat mage frostbolt spam. XD
Young tho, can't optimize on the drunken wsg or major pvp pwnage.