[Horde] Regular Saturday PUG MC Runs: Starting May 30th!

Discussion forum related to PVP Server.

[Horde] Regular Saturday PUG MC Runs: Starting May 30th!

by DarkPhenomenon » Fri May 15, 2015 12:53 am

As the title says a friend and I are looking to host regular Saturday MC PUGs, however we’re looking for a few more individuals to help out. Our Raid Leader has led everything from MC through BRF, but we're looking for a few people who are knowledgeable enough about classes & mechanics to help with raid assignments (in addition to gear inspections, buff/consumable monitoring, replacing AFKers/disconnects etc.).

We plan on starting these MC PUG runs on May 30th, details below.

    Me: Bazelle
    Day: Saturdays
    Time: 12:00pm – 4:00pm PST (9:00pm – 1:00AM Server time)
    Epic Loot: Main Spec > Offspec (you may win more than one thing off a given boss)
    Blue BOE's: Main Spec > Offspec (items will be rolled off after the raid as to not slow us down)
    Fiery Cores: Reserved (priority will be given to tanks who obtain bindings)
    Core Leather: Reserved (priority TBD, will be given to reliable attendees but will not be sold)
    Sulfuron Ingot: Reserved (priority TBD, will be given to reliable attendees but will not be sold)
    Bindings: Reserved (tank priority TBD, will not be sold)
    Eye of Rag: Reserved (priority TBD, will be given to reliable attendees but will not be sold)

    Loot Restrictions: We will be respecting armor proficiencies. While we realize that many BIS items may not match the armory proficiency of the appropriate class, in effort to minimize drama we will be respecting armor types (apologies to Hunters after leather, Shaman’s after cloth etc)

    Mods: KTM and DBM are required
    Consumables: Applicable consumables for your class and encounters are required. This will be updated later.
    Voice Chat: Ventrillo Required, server will be provided, you don’t have to speak though
    Gear: Half your gear must be pre-raid bis, the other half must be reasonable. We will be white-listening people ahead of time

If you like what you've read and are interested in attending or potentially help out, please leave a response, PM me or message me in game.


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