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Weather is seriously fucked on this server
Fri May 15, 2015 10:03 am
by ninjacarldk
It either rains or snows (depending on the zone) almost constantly. I wanna see clear weather from time to time.
Re: Weather is seriously fucked on this server
Fri May 15, 2015 11:05 am
by HolgerDanske
Just log out,and back in again,and you have clear skies,at least this works for me.. I have also turned weather intensity all the way to the left,as well as terrain detail,but i am unsure if it is the logging or the settings that makes the clear skies. You have to do this per zone though
Re: Weather is seriously fucked on this server
Fri May 15, 2015 12:09 pm
by Xef
What's up with this btw? Seems like no matter which server, especially vanilla server, I play on, it's almost always stormy. Don't exactly remember how much it was like that in vanilla, but I do remember always being pleasantly surprised when it did happen, because it was rather rare.
Re: Weather is seriously fucked on this server
Fri May 15, 2015 12:44 pm
by Umbassa
Xef wrote:What's up with this btw? Seems like no matter which server, especially vanilla server, I play on, it's almost always stormy. Don't exactly remember how much it was like that in vanilla, but I do remember always being pleasantly surprised when it did happen, because it was rather rare.
You think that you're playing on a private server, but what you're truly experiencing is an afterlife.
Each person experiences death differently. Though many feel great sadness in their departure, hence rain.
Rain also represents the visceral and perpetual cycle of life, death, and rebirth.
Either that or they never really figured out how to make weather effects global as opposed to being client-side.
Re: Weather is seriously fucked on this server
Fri May 15, 2015 1:44 pm
by ninjacarldk
another issues that sometimes happens is that it will sound like it rains, and the skies will be black, but there is no rain.
Re: Weather is seriously fucked on this server
Fri May 15, 2015 6:03 pm
by Ganjo
This is a common Mangos bug. 5 years in development and they couldnt fix a weather bug. LOL. Just like they didnt fix the combat log bugs in Mangos either.
Re: Weather is seriously fucked on this server
Fri May 15, 2015 6:34 pm
by Vod
I remember there being a lot of weather in Blizz vanilla s well. I love it, myself.
Re: Weather is seriously fucked on this server
Fri May 15, 2015 7:27 pm
by Kha
I signaled this to a GM I think, no answer and not any fix. it rains and snows all day, totally destroying the feeling. it was never like this on live.
Re: Weather is seriously fucked on this server
Fri May 15, 2015 8:06 pm
by Mdmadam
I do remember also that it would even tell you in chat in yellow text when ever the weather changed. Like it would say "It has started to rain" and such. The rain or snow usually didn't last long either, maybe an hour tops if it even lasted that long and then it would just go back to normal. I would like to see this fixed as well I know this isn't game breaking, but many of us have come back to Vanilla just to see those little things again.
Re: Weather is seriously fucked on this server
Fri May 15, 2015 8:07 pm
by AverageJoe
It's a common problem on many private servers. Usually relogging fixes it. Something about how there are different types of rain and snow effects, like: light, moderate, and heavy rain/snow. On retail, the percentage for chance these effects could occur were very low, but for some reason, on private servers, their percentages are evenly distributed, greatly increasing their chances of occurring. It's why one time you can log on and there'll be light rain, then you log off and log back in at a later time and suddenly it's raining super hard.