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fall damage bug :( in bgs only?

PostPosted: Sat May 16, 2015 3:22 pm
by bugtraccer


there are no falls in WSG high enough to give that much fall damage

it was actually a very small grassy gnoll and a normal gnome jump that caused my death :( bug

also another bug is that felhunter silence isnt lasting the full 3 seconds in BGs. tested outside and inside BGs :)

Re: fall damage bug :( in bgs only?

PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2015 10:11 am
by Brian
the falldmg is idk how high you jumped rlly.

tho that you equiped items can suffer dura loss is what bothers me rlly.
yesterday had a priest mindcontrol me of LM in ab twice in same match and got twice dura loss of it.
bg's should not give you dura losses rlly