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Question About Accounts

PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2015 1:23 pm
by Ayrod
I had read awhile back that we were only allowed to have 2 accounts per IP on this server. This is basically the only reason I stayed away and have yet to try this server out. My brother and I live together, and would very much like to play on both factions. In order to do that, we would both need 2 accounts, which would be impossible. Has this rule changed at all or is it still the same?

Re: Question About Accounts

PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2015 7:28 pm
by Busdriverx
You can create horde and alliance on the same account.

Re: Question About Accounts

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2015 6:04 am
by tuck3r
you can always use a VPN to make more than 2 accounts if you need to

Re: Question About Accounts

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2015 8:21 am
by Noah
Hi there, i found this for you :)

How about multi-boxing and bots ?
You're not allowed to use any form of program to control multiple characters at once. You are, however, allowed to be logged on, say, two characters. The only thing we allow multiple characters for, is professions and banking, this means you cannot /follow level 2 characters at once. This will result in a ban of one of the two, and if repeated, both. It is also not a problem if you are, for instance, three family members in the same house, playing at the same time. Each multi-box case will be judged individually, so don't worry if you're not doing anything wrong.

What you can't do, is PvP with multiple characters, Dungeon with multiple characters, Raid with multiple characters, etc.

If you are two people playing two characters - no problem. If you are 5 people playing 5 characters - no problem.


Have a nice day!


Re: Question About Accounts

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2015 11:12 am
by Numentor
2 accounts per IP would be a bit stupid since at LAN parties it could be a dozen people playing on 1 IP.

Re: Question About Accounts

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2015 11:32 am
by Mimma
You can play as many accounts per IP you want (one person per account / client obviously) - it is only account creation which is limited to 2 per IP.
So if you need to create an account to a LAN party, tell people to create it before the party starts (from home), or if they alaready are at the party, by using their phone or via VPN or whatever. it is not rocket science ...