g0dl1k3 wrote:might as well go ahead and make this a RP-PvE server with all these new rule changes and the way they are enforcing some "rules"
I hope I'm not overstepping here or talking about something that shouldn't be talked about, but...
For clarification, he was not reported for "not RPing," "coming to an RP event uninvited," or something "that might have looked like OOC harassment." Nor was he reported for "trying to RP and not being good enough." We all know and acknowledge this is not an RP server, and that we're going to run into people trying to incite us or mess around with us. That's normal, and we usually just ignore it.
What the OP failed to mention was that what he calls "something that might have looked like OOC harassment" started out as your fairly standard RP event griefing (no big deal), but then turned into him emoting some pretty explicit sexual actions, repeatedly, in the middle of a crowded area, and continued to do so after being told to stop by a GM.
Nobody's expecting this to be treated like a retail RP server, and nobody's going to report anybody for not RPing or being out of character at an RP event.
That said, I'd like to thank the Nostalrius staff for having our backs here. We were all blown away by the support and all of us involved are very grateful for it.