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Feenix WoW vs Nostalrius?
Mon Feb 23, 2015 4:05 pm
by Uddman
Before you expect I'm trying to flame here, this is actually an honest question.
Yesterday I made an account on Feenix WoW and started levling away, but I didn't even leave the starting zone for the n'elves before I heard about Nostalrius from a complete stranger whilst levling. He/she peaked my interest and I headed over here straight away. Now what is the big differance between Feenix WoW (WoW-one) and Nostalrius?
I'm just thinking that it might not be worth levling a char on Feenix if I'm heading over here anyways, that's all! So see me as a potential player. Peak my interesst even more if you can, cause I really do want to hear why I should choose this server.
This could also be good for other players thinking the same.
Re: Feenix WoW vs Nostalrius?
Mon Feb 23, 2015 4:18 pm
by Krusher
we have had alot of discussions on this forum Nostalrius VS other servers.
i would advice to take a look around and to see if you can find the information for yourselves.
it is not the intention of Nostalrius to recruit or make any form of advertising on other servers.
please keep it cool, or the thread will be closed
Re: Feenix WoW vs Nostalrius?
Mon Feb 23, 2015 4:20 pm
by Uddman
I just want to hear what the actual players think! I'm not looking to start a hectic discussion, but I only want to know why Nostalrius
Re: Feenix WoW vs Nostalrius?
Mon Feb 23, 2015 4:28 pm
by Ike
Uddman wrote:I just want to hear what the actual players think! I'm not looking to start a hectic discussion, but I only want to know why Nostalrius
Well, the thing is nobody knows. But from what we can tell
from their youtube page and from actual testers, this should be a fairly well developed server.
The thing with Feenix and many other private servers is, that while they come somewhat close to the vanilla experience, it's still miles away from feeling right, due to many many bugs and stability issues. Will this server do better? No one knows, but it looks promising!
Re: Feenix WoW vs Nostalrius?
Mon Feb 23, 2015 4:31 pm
by Halinton
Two big differences:
Feenix is OLD. You will be behind on played time and you will be spending most of your time catching up and missing out on a lot of early stuff. Secondly, content on feenix is.. working in a way that it's playable for the unexperienced. There will be bugged quests and mobs.
On Nostalrius, you'll be playing from the beginning and level with everyone (if you decide to join us on launch). Also, fewer encountered bugs, hopefully none at all.
Re: Feenix WoW vs Nostalrius?
Mon Feb 23, 2015 4:31 pm
by Nobbynobs
Well, I used to play on Feenix and actually have a level 60 toon, but in my experience, I found the Battlegrounds insatisfactory in terms of the people involved in PvP-ing. Now, I may be up for rebuke, but that's my experience with Feenix. Furthermore, the server (Feenix) had been promoting itself as the mother-of-them-all vanilla servers. A claim that was overshadowed by the multitude of poorly scripted dungeons and quests once it had opened.
Now, I am sure there are a lot of great guys to be found on Feenix, however I hold the admins to be the perennial prey of maddness and mania, or at least the notorious A, who's to hygiene what bananas are to rhinos.
I am inclined to play WoW once again, and I would really love to play Vanilla at that, but Feenix is no longer an option for me, and if the present server gives me a reason to become disillusioned, well then, I would rather not play altogether.
I trust my hopes with Nostalrius. I hold that Feenix admins are peevish, petty chaps and their server is not what it's been cracked up to be.
Re: Feenix WoW vs Nostalrius?
Mon Feb 23, 2015 4:33 pm
by Patience
One reason, which is the reason why I ultimately quit on Feenix, was because of their Developers and GMs. They are very immature when it comes to running a server and very immature in general. They keep banning people left and right just cause people disagree with them. This has lead to many of the better Devs of Feenix leaving because they realize what kind of persons they are dealing with.
Besides, I personally feel like Feenix never got scripted well enough, and when something was scripted, it took forever.
I also want to let you know that I still haven't tried out Nostalrius (Didn't attend betas) so I therefore I cannot be in the defense of Nostalrius. Not have I seen many posts done by the developers, but then again, I have not seen anyone complain about them either. And yes, I have seen many, many complaints about Feenix ones.
That's my opinion. Hopefully it helps.
Re: Feenix WoW vs Nostalrius?
Mon Feb 23, 2015 4:35 pm
by Cousy
I used to play on Feenix realms and was even a part of their ptr test team for awhile. What I can say about Feenix is that their administration runs their servers as a business for themselves and not for their players. They have bug reports sitting in their tracker for nearly 3 years without being addressed. They consistently create 5 new bugs for every 1 they fix. (Core merge breaking Ragnaros for a month anyone?) They call themselves a progressive server but BWL has been out for nearly 2 years and the AQ war effort is months from being completed. They also call themselves a "non-p2w" server but have had multiple events where you could buy feenix shards and get bags worth of raiding consumables in return. And their lead administrator is the biggest troll on the forums, and that's saying something.
ED has basically become an arcade version of vanilla wow. Some people who play there really enjoy it and some people still play there because they're attached to their characters. But if you want an authentic Vanilla experience, you're better off steering clear of Feenix.
Re: Feenix WoW vs Nostalrius?
Mon Feb 23, 2015 4:47 pm
by Sargath
Short answer: Either Kronos or Nostralius. Reasons?
1. They are 100% fresh, everyone starting from scratch.
2. Both servers has active admins who is fixing bugs, wich feenix doesn't have.
3. A while back Feenix said that Emerald Dream will be "pay for gear".
4. The feenix community has gone to shit compared to what it once was.
Re: Feenix WoW vs Nostalrius?
Mon Feb 23, 2015 4:51 pm
by Uddman
Thanks guys, this is the kind of answers I wanted!
I've made up my mind and I'll wait for Nostalrius to go live and play with you guys when it does!