Nosta experience perspective

Hello there,
I will intorduce myself and point out that i`m not the usual forum whiner but the issue i`m going to raise has serious implication to a certain playerbase and that is the casual pvp boys.
Now, to us players that do have other things to do in life, playing a couple hours per night and/or weekends has become the standard so i`ll rise the problem especialy regarding those type of players (but not only).
Basicaly the awsomness of the project work cannot be experienced in full due to immense lag issues that rise every evening and/or weekend days. PvP is basicaly unplayable unless u`re a masochist. I don't know if PvE is affected on the same scale but PvP wise it basicaly destroys each and every positive aspect (and i`m fully aware there are many).
I`m pretty sure the issue can be fixed, and I for one am hereby declaring my will to donate for new hardware or any other solution the devs find fit, but i feel this needs to be adressed rather quickly in order to provide an improved experience.
My 2 cents.
What are u`re thoughts ?
I will intorduce myself and point out that i`m not the usual forum whiner but the issue i`m going to raise has serious implication to a certain playerbase and that is the casual pvp boys.
Now, to us players that do have other things to do in life, playing a couple hours per night and/or weekends has become the standard so i`ll rise the problem especialy regarding those type of players (but not only).
Basicaly the awsomness of the project work cannot be experienced in full due to immense lag issues that rise every evening and/or weekend days. PvP is basicaly unplayable unless u`re a masochist. I don't know if PvE is affected on the same scale but PvP wise it basicaly destroys each and every positive aspect (and i`m fully aware there are many).
I`m pretty sure the issue can be fixed, and I for one am hereby declaring my will to donate for new hardware or any other solution the devs find fit, but i feel this needs to be adressed rather quickly in order to provide an improved experience.
My 2 cents.
What are u`re thoughts ?