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Need another reason to hate Ouroboros?

PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2015 6:37 am
by Jreed
Here you guys, its what you should expect if you invite two of them into your runs.


kinda drunk, but watch they'll be coming in here to defend their shitty actions.

Re: Need another reason to hate Ouroboros?

PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2015 6:50 am
by Catpower
Allow me to provide some context here. I responded to a world chat post for a group for UD strat. I said I'd dps, but when I joined, I saw that my friend Effnamor was in the group too and, deciding I wouldn't take the cape from him, opted to tank the dungeon and let Effnamor dps. There was an agreement before I joined the group that if Eff tanked, he'd be given the cape if it dropped. After I joined, I said I'd just tank it if Eff could have priority for the cape. No one had any objection to that, so we all headed to the instance. We got to Baron and Eff set loot to master loot, so that no one would ninja the cape, and Jreed flipped the fuck out, saying he refused to do the boss if we did ML. I asked what the problem was as long as we did fair rolls for loot beside the cape, and he couldn't give a reason (I suspected he would roll on the cape). Shortly thereafter, Jreed says he's gonna roll on the cape, he doesn't care about the agreement, and that it was stupid that the cape had been promised to Effnamor in the first place. So, to avoid Jreed's ninja attempt, Eff put the loot on master loot when we did the fight. Not pictured is Jreed trash talking our guild, or us fairly distributing the loot according to rolls after the fight. I even went out of the way to kill the Unforgiven for this guy, and he still got salty.

Re: Need another reason to hate Ouroboros?

PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2015 6:52 am
by Mchayes
Then you (not specifically you though, cat) should let Jreed look like a tool. Now it just looks like a goofy ninja ML'r.

Re: Need another reason to hate Ouroboros?

PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2015 6:57 am
by Catpower
Perhaps, but there is certainly no need for him to sensationalize it this much. The title of this post is pretty inflammatory, and he even admits to being drunk. Obviously the dude is just being belligerent. At least I know not to group with him again.

Re: Need another reason to hate Ouroboros?

PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2015 7:09 am
by Jreed
Let me provide the context as I should've in the OP. Me and a druid create a group for start UD. She's healing and I'm tanking. I remember I just got the Earthshaker mace from MC and wanted to try it out in a dungeon with lots of mobs, such as strat. I told the druid, it was just us two in the group at the moment, that if she can find I a tank, I'll dps. The Ouroboros warrior joins the group saying that of he tanks he gets all rights to the loot. And I was cool with that, just wanted mask and valor. I go out to smoke and the druid find 2 more dps by that point. We go out to start and while heading there cat power just says how good his gear is and w3 should let him tank. Okay, then the deal is off. I said if the warrior tanks he should get the cape. But honestly I didn't care too much for the Cape, I was even going to let him have it, until he put it to master loot. I still helped them kill baron, cape didn't even drop. Just pisses me off when people don't say shit and turn it to master looter before fighting the boss. Especially on a boss that drops loot that baron does.

Re: Need another reason to hate Ouroboros?

PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2015 7:12 am
by Catpower
Man that was a convenient time for you to go out for a cigarette!

Re: Need another reason to hate Ouroboros?

PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2015 7:14 am
by Uncle Gubsey
except jreed you missed the part where upon switching to catpower tanking, we asked again if any1 had problems with me still having prio on the cape,no one objected,also in any group where an item is on reserve, its going to be switched to master loot for that boss. maybe next time save yourself some salt and dont join groups with reserves

Re: Need another reason to hate Ouroboros?

PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2015 7:17 am
by Jreed
I know weird right when I confirmed you "saying that shit"

Re: Need another reason to hate Ouroboros?

PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2015 7:28 am
by Jreed
Honestly just sounds like a misunderstanding

Re: Need another reason to hate Ouroboros?

PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2015 7:36 am
by Noxm
Really nice binds, btw