by PanTheSatyr » Tue May 19, 2015 2:28 pm
I wish there was any kind of punishment for ganking lowbies, but as an anarchy realm - sorry, a PvP realm - the only way to stop someone from ganking lowbies is to get a posse of 60's together and chase him off. Alliance is getting better at policing this behavior, but there seem to be a LOT of jerks on the Horde side who get their kicks by ruining the game for other people.
PvP Realm
Malachic - Lv 60 Mage (Frost)
Malapriest - Lv 60 Priest (Heals)
Malahunt - Lv 60 Hunter (Bang/Twang)
♫ Dance with Pan and Drink with Bacchus! ♫