Of course for the same reason veterans played back in the day. We didn't know what to expect. Leveling through quests was a brand-new experience. What you heard about WOW being more difficult is true. Here are some of the things that make vanilla very different than MOP.
- Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms are the only two available continents
- More skills to learn
- No group finder
- No raid finder
- More challenging dungeons and raids
- 40-person raids (Onyxia and Molten Core. Later on: Naxxramas, AQ40 and Blackwing Lair)
- Veteran players playing vanilla (10 years ago we were noobs)
- Shaman is a horde-only class; Paladin is a Alliance-only class
- No flying mounts
- No mounts at 20
- Less flight-paths
- Very long quest chains (Linken; Fordring; etc)
- Stranglethorn Vale is a hellhole made worse by the fact that you're playing on a PVP server
- Server population is 3x greater than vanilla (server population was capped at 2500)
- Getting gold is more difficult than today's WOW
- Zero tolerance banning (the GMs are serious about banning players who abuse the Terms of Use; please play within the rules)
This server is currently on
content patch 1.2. Key features of 1.2 include the new dungeon Maraudon and many tweaks. 1.3 is coming soon. This patch will feature a new dungeon called Dire Maul and outdoor raid bosses Azuregos and Lord Kazzak.
Those are a few key features. Will vanilla WOW challenge you? Yes. Will you be satisfied when you beat challenging content? YES!