Illegal addons ?

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Illegal addons ?

by kubalka » Tue May 19, 2015 4:00 pm

Hello everyone !

First of all I have to admin I've never played vanilla before Nostalrius. Because of it I don't really know what was available/allowed at the time when wow came out.
My question is: Is using all the addos, available in the Internet, legal or not ? Many of them are for client 2.x.x and some of them are made by players. So are there any limitations ?

ps : This server is amazing. Keep doing this good job and keep it blizzlike !


Re: Illegal addons ?

by Hydra9268 » Tue May 19, 2015 4:32 pm

Welcome to the community!

Of course addons are legal. Blizzard developed the addon API to protect player's credentials and not give players the ability to cheat. Most vanilla addons simply enhanced the UI.

To get you started I put together an addon pack with setup files

This pack includes most of the commonly used addons like Auctioneer (Auction House), Bongos (UI), Bagnon (converts your bags into a single bag) and Big Wigs (raid boss warnings).
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: Illegal addons ?

by kubalka » Tue May 19, 2015 4:59 pm

so, whatever i find, and put into the folder "interface/addons" should not be considered as cheating ?

What about addons made by players.]? I found one, with annotation that the addon was creaded by XYZ

Re: Illegal addons ?

by Busdriverx » Tue May 19, 2015 5:30 pm

there are probably some addons that the devs wouldn't allow but most are fine
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Re: Illegal addons ?

by Mimma » Tue May 19, 2015 5:30 pm

All LUA based addons are legal - that is "normal" WoW Addons.

The time you should really be aware is when an addon comes as an .exe file, or the zip archive includes .exe files. You should never have to run any .exe files to install or use addons.
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Re: Illegal addons ?

by heradura » Tue May 19, 2015 5:57 pm

kubalka wrote:What about addons made by players.]? I found one, with annotation that the addon was creaded by XYZ

All addons are made by players, bud.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Illegal addons ?

by kubalka » Tue May 19, 2015 6:09 pm

heradura wrote:
kubalka wrote:What about addons made by players.]? I found one, with annotation that the addon was creaded by XYZ

All addons are made by players, bud.

Hah, playing wotlk on retail I always downloaded addons using special software (called cures addons or sth like that) so I thought that the addons were made by blizzard staff or people who were somehow related to blizzard.

Now, everything is clear.

Thank all of you for your help. :)

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