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Healers question.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 3:07 am
by skitszo
How many are willing to group with a healer in questing to help them level up faster?

I'd me more then willing to level a priest healer first; but its been tedious and painful doing it solo.

I could go warrior tank; I do like to tank 5 man dungeons....

I can level a hunter for soloing content and farming; but they apparently or average dps for raids.

Mage dps leveling would be cool..

Re: Healers question.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 7:03 am
by username17
I'm told leveling a priest is not painful at all if you spec into Wands (base tier talent) and use a good wand. I'm going to roll a Paladin but will likely be ret until the higher levels and then I'll go holy.

Re: Healers question.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 7:31 am
by Osiris
People should get rid of that mentality, that they can only play one role.

You can level up as a shadow priest and be a healer in dungeons (up to BRD) at the same time! Believe it or not, but priests are made to heal, regardless your spec. Of course it helps, if you collect some healing gear (tailoring) and if the tank is not completely useless. But altogether, you should be fine and you won't need a leveling partner as a shadow priest.

Same goes for warriors and tanking. The hybrid arms/prot spec is sexy as fuck and you can be DPS and tank. The downside is that you have to keep up both weapon skills (2h and 1h) up.

Have fun.