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Quest mobs not despawning

PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2015 8:45 am
by heradura
Uh... Is this normal?


Saw the same thing a few days ago with the mana elementals by Tabetha's place. When people die, spawned quest mobs don't despawn and the spawn script keeps running.

EDIT: on the bright side, at least they leash easily and I can somehow pull one at a time.

Re: Quest mobs not despawning

PostPosted: Fri May 22, 2015 10:04 am
by Hyunckel
I've seen a youtube video about a rogue chest quest bug they have to lockpick, it's just a right click placeholder on this server, when clicked it spawns the quest mob, but the guy was able to summon hundreds at will lol.

Seems like a similar bug