Professions: Worth to level while leveling..?
Thu May 21, 2015 9:12 am
by Lakweeta
Basically title. Is it better to level your professions while actively leveling your toon? I'm going for the "1 gather 1 trade" route. I'm assuming yes, it just seems much faster at around 40-50 when you get your mount and can by-pass most aggro o-o
Re: Professions: Worth to level while leveling..?
Thu May 21, 2015 10:08 am
by Flaat
With the absolutely staggering amount of mats flooding this server daily and the relatively low amount of level 60 players it is very cheap to level professions at the moment. My mate's level 60 mage did alchemy to 300 with 40g of mats. Cooking to 250 with 10g in mats (excluding training and recipe costs). I am guessing the only expensive profession to level is Enchanting. With the training costs of recipe's being relatively high during leveling i believe it is better to level with 2 gathering professions or enchanting only for disenchant until you have a mount. After that you have more freedom with your money and can start buying your way into a crafting profession.