So this is a thread that I'd like to have around.. If I'm wrong, close it but.. I think it's going to be interesting to have an open discussion about the Vanilla siutation right now.
Basically Blizzard won't fucking do it. Period. We have to relay on people who dedicate their time to create the best possible private server experience. So how do you think the future looks? How is the population going to spread? Which is the most promising server and which server is going to UNITE the vanilla community? My opinion on the matter is (if you don't agree with me that's fine - state your case):
Vanilla gaming - always looked so broken to me.. I still don't get it - how do they get their donations, their votes. Beyond me.
Stormrage project - server description says it all.. too much fail to handle.
Rebirth - always ready to disapoint.. too bad.
Feenix (Emerald dream, Warsong, Al'Akir) - I have a fully BWL geared mage on ED and I refuse to go back there. Even after they launched the War Effort. I'm just sick of it, had enough. I think more players will reach the same conclusion.. Same bugs untouched, not fixed.. For years. That's not serious. They don't give a shit, do they? Pay to win server at it's finest too.
Kronos - I played a lot on the old Kronos. Had the feeling they didn't know what they were doing back then. I still have that feeling altough it looks promising on paper..
Nostalrius - my cards are on Nos. Hopefully a server that will grow, deliver and unite the community, bringing a great experience. Nice to see devs are trying to make the game harder aswell.. See ya in 5 days lol.
So I feel this disucission can be left opened - just share your toughts. It's a race afterall.. Race for the best server, biggest population, best overall experience.. Who will win it?