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Harrasment on Nostalrius Begins server

PostPosted: Sat May 23, 2015 4:00 am
by Arador
How does one report harassment? There is a level 60 Horde Rogue called "Powerpedalin" killing all the low characters in Lakeshire, preventing them from playing the game. This has been going on for several days and I am sure it has already been reported, but nothing has been done by the admins.

I understand that this is PvP server, but that isn't the point. A level 60 character camped out in a low level map has only one purpose, griefing the other players. It doesn't add to the game play, nor does the level 60 get any type of in game reward for doing this.

Is this what I should expect from the people who run this server? Is this type of juvenile boorish behavior acceptable to them? If so, I would like to know now so I don't waste my time playing or supporting this particular server.

Re: Harrasment on Nostalrius Begins server

PostPosted: Sat May 23, 2015 5:59 am
by Drooppi
Yes it is acceptable, please leave your tears in the bucket next to the door on your way out, so we can have some souvenir of you.


(Oh and eh... you might want to get some friends or just ask for help)

Re: Harrasment on Nostalrius Begins server

PostPosted: Sat May 23, 2015 6:02 am
by pmizz
I am a regular veteran vanilla player. I will not tell people not to grief or to qq if theyre being griefed.

Go kill mobs in the wilderness or do a dungeon. The quest givers will still be there. I understand the extremeness the griefing can be especially for a player with limited time.

This was vanilla, find a 60 to kill him someone will want to help

Re: Harrasment on Nostalrius Begins server

PostPosted: Sat May 23, 2015 6:44 am
by tuck3r
qq moar

Re: Harrasment on Nostalrius Begins server

PostPosted: Sat May 23, 2015 6:54 am
by Lazermon

Re: Harrasment on Nostalrius Begins server

PostPosted: Sat May 23, 2015 6:56 am
by genxann
Dont get me started on baron Chat. its worse than Sodapoppins twitch chat

Re: Harrasment on Nostalrius Begins server

PostPosted: Sat May 23, 2015 8:11 am
by kaba
pmizz wrote:This was vanilla, find a 60 to kill him someone will want to help

Agreed. This is the type of issue that can and should be solved by the players, not GMs. I think it's part of a PvP MMO for the players to have to collaborate and defend contested areas, in this case Lakeshire, if need be.

I mean it's the whole point of the WorldDefense channel, which I know is not used very much but imo it gives an indication of what Blizzard's original intentions were like.

Personally I'd gladly help lowbies being griefed by high lvls if someone whispered me while I was jumping on the bank roof in Orgrimmar.

Re: Harrasment on Nostalrius Begins server

PostPosted: Sat May 23, 2015 8:22 am
by fish
Lazermon wrote:Image

Haha. Perfect

Re: Harrasment on Nostalrius Begins server

PostPosted: Sun May 24, 2015 1:06 am
by DonDeLaVega
i agree that this is part of the game and not a GM issue,
i myself dont wine when i'm being 1shot by skulls.

BUT, for a GM to actually congratulate and support such a behaviour is just unacceptable.

Re: Harrasment on Nostalrius Begins server

PostPosted: Sun May 24, 2015 1:14 am
by Corazon
DonDeLaVega wrote:BUT, for a GM to actually congratulate and support such a behaviour is just unacceptable.

To expect any better will only leave you disappointed. This is Nostalrius, where bad ideas are supported and defended because "blizzard did it". This server is free from all logic.

Logic is for pussies. (you get a cookie if you get the reference)