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Blatant Hunter bots in Teldrassil

PostPosted: Tue May 26, 2015 8:30 am
by Pixie87
I followed these 3 for a good 30 minutes without a single response. I watched their movements, which were exactly the way Glider movements used to look, and the way bots move. I whispered them several times, etc. I am 100% positive they are bots and I found it insulting how blatantly obvious they were being about it. I noticed at first because I had zero quest mobs to kill on my new Druid, and there was a trail of corpses. I followed the corpses and eventually got to these 3, whom are doing this same circle around Teldrassil over and over. I only got a screenshot of the /time after 20 minutes of following them, but I did follow them for 30.

I can't wait to be insulted when this person(s) come on here and try to come up with some excuse for how they couldn't notice whispers for 30 minutes, why all 3 of them attack at *exactly* the same moment, and why they are grinding level 2-3 mobs at level 6 without ever looting.

As of posting this, they are still going.

Re: Blatant Hunter bots in Teldrassil

PostPosted: Tue May 26, 2015 8:34 am
by Krusher
please also send a ticket ingame should you encounter this again, since these are handled quicker.
ill report this to the admins for our bot system, and take care of them.

Re: Blatant Hunter bots in Teldrassil

PostPosted: Tue May 26, 2015 8:35 am
by Arise
Prob gold sellers getting to the trade channel lvl requirement.

Re: Blatant Hunter bots in Teldrassil

PostPosted: Tue May 26, 2015 8:36 am
by Pixie87
Krusher wrote:please also send a ticket ingame should you encounter this again, since these are handled quicker.
ill report this to the admins for our bot system, and take care of them.

Okay, will do. They are still online doing it right this moment where it can be verified. So crazy that people will do this in a starting area, even! Why play Vanilla if you don't want the Vanilla experience? Le sigh. Thanks a bunch.

Re: Blatant Hunter bots in Teldrassil

PostPosted: Tue May 26, 2015 8:42 am
by Krusher
yes i know they are still running, they are also in orc area.
they will be taken care off!
thank for reporting this!

we have to let them run for some time before we can ban them, rest assured they will be banned!