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For other's safety, Aerisno is a ninja looter.

PostPosted: Tue May 26, 2015 6:13 pm
by Parkway
I would just like to take a few seconds to report this for others not to be trolled by this guy.

Aerisno, a 60 Night Elf druid from <Vastarinta> ninja'd the Hand of Justice from me, a rogue. He was tanking and specifically said to me before the run that he's tanking but that he would like to switch to healing in the near future, and yet he rolled against me for Hand of Justice and won it. For those who don't know, it's an incredibly good dps trinket for entry level in raids for melee DPS, and has nothing to do with tanking what so ever.

Be careful running with the guy, he's mostly a loot whore from what I can tell.

Happy hunting!

Edit : Not a BiS raiding trinket, but definitely a good DPS trinket with a lot of PvP use, and not a bad PvE one.

Re: For other's safety, Aerisno is a ninja looter.

PostPosted: Tue May 26, 2015 6:23 pm
by Scrat
Why would you want crit for raiding? You maxed all your other skills first?

Re: For other's safety, Aerisno is a ninja looter.

PostPosted: Tue May 26, 2015 6:25 pm
by Parkway
Because it is better than most shit trinket you get elsewhere. That is not the point, anyway. I PvP most of the time, I just put the info for those who did not know at all what the trinket was.

Re: For other's safety, Aerisno is a ninja looter.

PostPosted: Tue May 26, 2015 7:01 pm
by WhoseDaBeef
I don't think you understand what a ninja looter is...

Someone rolling against you for an item they can legitimately use is not ninja looting. If they're rolling for an offspec, it's a bit of dick move, but it's not ninja looting unless you don't even get the opportunity to roll or if he master loots it in spite of you winning the roll.

Don't be all mad because you mistakenly thought you were the only one who'd roll for it. Upgrades are upgrades.