[Question] Playing with our Chinese Friends (serious)

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[Question] Playing with our Chinese Friends (serious)

by grimfate » Wed May 27, 2015 2:20 am

Dear friends,

I've been very impressed by the community here, and as an old school WoW player, the idea of returning to a Vanilla-WoW environment is incredibly exciting.

In reading these forums, I've come across a few comments regarding various Chinese players currently on Nostalrius. I was hoping to find out more about what kind of opportunities are available to play with a Chinese community here. As an American that is fluent in Mandarin, I've always regretted my lack of opportunity to play with some Chinese friends.

How viable is that on this server? Is there a large enough community here that I could have that same Vanilla experience that I loved so much a decade ago, but this time while speaking Mandarin?

Thank you in advanced for your help.


Re: [Question] Playing with our Chinese Friends (serious)

by riq and snog » Wed May 27, 2015 2:14 pm

PLA is a chinese guild u can check them out, get chinese client from them maybe and have fun
riq and snog
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: [Question] Playing with our Chinese Friends (serious)

by Doofoos » Wed May 27, 2015 4:34 pm

There is so many chinese players, so they have a several guilds. PLA as mentioned before is first, second is P L A, also something like Blood and Honor \ Fury. All of them are horde side.
Doofhoof - Tauren Druid - <KGB>
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Re: [Question] Playing with our Chinese Friends (serious)

by grimfate » Thu May 28, 2015 5:55 am

Sounds like I've got some decent opportunities then!

You mentioned that the majority of Chinese players are on Horde Side - is there not any Chinese raiding guilds on the Alliance side?

Re: [Question] Playing with our Chinese Friends (serious)

by zhangqiji84 » Thu May 28, 2015 6:14 am

The Alliance Pub is a chinese guild with large population and pve guild. Have fun.

Re: [Question] Playing with our Chinese Friends (serious)

by gakki » Thu May 28, 2015 6:19 am

3 more chinese guilds on the Alliance side

The Alliance Pub
Blood ride fun

The alliance pub have large population and best progress
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