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Fishing on Nostalrius

PostPosted: Fri May 29, 2015 12:27 am
by Snautz
I've never been a big fan of fishing, but I figured I would fish some Nightfin snappers for myself rather than buying them off AH. I've heard from a couple of sources that the amount of Nightfins/Sunscales you catch varies depending on which time of the day you fish them.

0:00-6:00 - Nightfin only
6:00-12:00 - Nightfin and Sunscale
12:00-18:00 - Sunscale only
18:00-0:00 - Nightfin and Sunscale
AFAIK this is how it works (or worked) on retail, and how I thought it would be on this server aswell, but after 20 minutes of fishing at around 1:00 server time I ended up with 6 Sunscales and 4 Nightfins, which left me a bit confused about how it works on this server.

Any insight on this topic would be greatly appreciated

Re: Fishing on Nostalrius

PostPosted: Fri May 29, 2015 12:58 am
by Lazermon
its not properly implemented, you can catch both types at all times, sadly.