Clarification On Non-Blizzlike Policy Of Nostalrius

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Clarification On Non-Blizzlike Policy Of Nostalrius

by Nain » Fri May 29, 2015 2:32 am

Hi, I'm asking for clarification on the custom rule that was recently implemented due to a large volume of complaints coming from the lower-level playerbase about mistreatment from higher level opposite-faction players.

The rule I'm speaking of is the one which states that killing quest NPCs will result in a ban or suspension of the account involved.

I've been told from one source that simply killing quest NPCs will earn me a ban, and from another, that I simply can't kill stay at a quest hub for too long.

Can I have some clarification on how you intend to supervise this new and custom rule? How long can I stay at one place? On the retail servers, for the last 11 years for tens of millions of players, this has never been a rule that's existed, so I don't really have any idea how this will precisely be. Please share with me (and us) how you intend to enforce your new policy.
† Nain now rests in the arms of our lord. He died a sickly infant at the age of 3 months and 24 days. †
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Re: Clarification On Non-Blizzlike Policy Of Nostalrius

by Holmes » Fri May 29, 2015 9:13 am

camping (for too long) has always been considered as harassment by blizzard and got punished. whether its a quest npc or a player.
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Re: Clarification On Non-Blizzlike Policy Of Nostalrius

by SnowFlakes » Fri May 29, 2015 9:25 am

So if horde decides to try and raid Ironforge and they fight there for an extended amount of period that's bannable? Incredibly short sighted and dumb decison by the management if that's the case.
oh, ok.
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Re: Clarification On Non-Blizzlike Policy Of Nostalrius

by DeeMarie » Fri May 29, 2015 9:54 am

Blizz also made some dumb decisions. Jaina farm anyone?
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Re: Clarification On Non-Blizzlike Policy Of Nostalrius

by Rhinzual30 » Fri May 29, 2015 9:56 am

DeeMarie wrote:Blizz also made some dumb decisions. Jaina farm anyone?

What in the hell is the Jaina farm?
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Re: Clarification On Non-Blizzlike Policy Of Nostalrius

by Jackyy » Fri May 29, 2015 10:06 am

Ty Nain for the thread.

i gonna grap some popcorn and

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Re: Clarification On Non-Blizzlike Policy Of Nostalrius

by Acillius » Fri May 29, 2015 10:35 am

Nain wrote:Hi, I'm asking for clarification on the custom rule that was recently implemented due to a large volume of complaints coming from the lower-level playerbase about mistreatment from higher level opposite-faction players.

The rule I'm speaking of is the one which states that killing quest NPCs will result in a ban or suspension of the account involved.

I've been told from one source that simply killing quest NPCs will earn me a ban, and from another, that I simply can't kill stay at a quest hub for too long.

Can I have some clarification on how you intend to supervise this new and custom rule? How long can I stay at one place? On the retail servers, for the last 11 years for tens of millions of players, this has never been a rule that's existed, so I don't really have any idea how this will precisely be. Please share with me (and us) how you intend to enforce your new policy.

You may not know this but even back in Vanilla staying in an area where you could kill Quest Npcs on low level players was considered harassment by blizzard as well in Vanilla, this rule actually came out after the first wave of people hit 60 and some of these said people started doing this for days on end, you cannot have a server if all you do is harass the new people that come so blizzard changed that rule even in Vanilla. In fact they even made it so harassing a low level for hours upon hours was considered harassment near the end of Vanilla.

So take that into consideration.

Re: Clarification On Non-Blizzlike Policy Of Nostalrius

by DeeMarie » Fri May 29, 2015 10:38 am

Rhinzual30 wrote:
DeeMarie wrote:Blizz also made some dumb decisions. Jaina farm anyone?

What in the hell is the Jaina farm? ... rde-banned
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Re: Clarification On Non-Blizzlike Policy Of Nostalrius

by Crispin » Fri May 29, 2015 10:50 am

If you lot could for one second forget everything you knew about wow and think about the situation. You would ofc see it as something that that needs restrictions and needs policing. Some additional clarification would be nice though.

Re: Clarification On Non-Blizzlike Policy Of Nostalrius

by Rhinzual30 » Fri May 29, 2015 11:43 am

DeeMarie wrote:
Rhinzual30 wrote:
DeeMarie wrote:Blizz also made some dumb decisions. Jaina farm anyone?

What in the hell is the Jaina farm? ... rde-banned

Holy hell, 50-90g every two minutes? Even if it is split among a group or even decent sized raid, that could ruin an in-game economy.
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